[quote]hspder wrote:
orion wrote:
Um, I agree with him…
You know, socialized medicine…
Free universities, well almost free…
Well, why not…
But they never stop…
I swear to God they don?t!
And they think it is perfectly reasonable and justified to milk very last Euro off me they can get.
So, you either work less, or your tax report belongs in the realm of fiction.
People react to incentives, is that so hard to understand?
Please take this the best possible way, but:
I have no idea what you’ve been smoking, but can you please come back and explain what you’re saying when you actually able to make any sense? I have absolutely no idea what you just said. You sound like my ex-colleagues from Berkeley after they had been smoking pot all afternoon.
If that helps, write in German (I can read German)…
Ich verstehe amerikanische Konservative wenn sie der Meinung sind das zu viele ?ffentliche Zuwendungen den Charakter verderben.
Ich bin absolut der Meinung das ein staatliches Gesundheitssystem Sinn macht, es scheint einfach billiger zu sein.
Ich bin auch der Meinung das nahezu kostenlose Hochschulbildung eine gute Idee ist, vor allem dann wenn die Zukunft eines Landes vom Know-How der Bev?lkerung abh?ngt.
But, then again, I have to make my money on the free market, meaning, I have to find people that actually pay me.
If 50-60 % of my income is taken away from me, because some bureaucrat thinks it ias a good idea I might
A) work less, or
B) lie to the tax authorities.
What you don?t see is, that people that do not take investment risks or work that hard can easily outvote those who do.
That sucks.
I do not accept that.
Therefore not everything I earn is taxed.
According to your post to HH, I do that out of spite.
But enough is enough.
When American conservatives speak of a welfare mentality, they are right. I agree with them.