
Wondering: What do T-people think of Chipotle. For those of us who can’t plan every meal, I recently discovered Chipotle. The food is basic, but fresh. Not necessarily carb ridden.

I also recently learned they were owned 90% by McDonalds, which disturbed me but they haven’t messed with the menu or the format.

Anyone else tried it? Have an opinion about it’s relative health value, caloric value of the meals?


Chipolte is a great place to grab a bite when you cant plan a meal. Everything there is cooked fresh, even though the meat isn’t the leanest it could be… but other then that if you get a burrito and stay away from the guac and sour-cream its a much wiser decision then Taco Bell.

Another place to check out (if you have them) is Tokyo Joe’s. They’re all over Denver, not sure about everywhere else though.

Disclaimer: of course these choices aren’t as good as cooking your own meal, its just a better choice then a lot of other crap out there.


Mmmmm Chipotle! One of my favorite quick meals.

It’s as good as you have them make it.

Add sour cream, cheese, and/or guac and the fat content can get quite high. Obviously, the chips are high in fat, too.

They should have nutritional info available in the store and/or online for the average burrito.

I know a guy who went from 181 to 242 on Chipotle alone…and it wasn’t solid. now he’s back to 198 and no longer a butterball.

Their burritos are amazing. Not carb ridden? All the dishes have beans, rice, and some sort of tortilla(unless you get a burrito bowl). I’m not saying this makes the food bad, but don’t think you’re not eating some carbs if you eat chipotle.

Check this out:

It’ll give you nutritional breakdown of your order.

While Chipotle isn’t too bad for you, most of the ingredients are obviously high in fat and sodium.

I wonder if Moe’s has a calculator like that for their stuff.

I’m sure it’s easily more than 1,000 calories and similar in macros to the Chipolte burritos.

[quote]TTewell342 wrote:
I know a guy who went from 181 to 242 on Chipotle alone…and it wasn’t solid. now he’s back to 198 and no longer a butterball.[/quote]

You can get fat eating anything if you eat too much of it.

[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
I wonder if Moe’s has a calculator like that for their stuff.

I’m sure it’s easily more than 1,000 calories and similar in macros to the Chipolte burritos.[/quote]

I love me some Moe’s. Yeah, I’m guessing it’s in the same ball park in terms of nutrition. And you get free chips and salsa.

I got this off that chipotlefan site:

My burrito has 56g of fat, and
1255 calories.

I’ve been known to eat 2 of these in one sitting. Although I havn’t done that in about a year…

Chipotle kicks ass! The meat is all free range and the meat and veggies are both organic, I believe. Stick with the chicken fajita burrito w/ either pinto or black beans and maybe a little cheese and you’re all set. You might want to skip the sour cream and guac.

they have salads too, I get a salad with steak and no beans or rice.

[quote]Panther1015 wrote:
Chipotle kicks ass! The meat is all free range and the meat and veggies are both organic, I believe. Stick with the chicken fajita burrito w/ either pinto or black beans and maybe a little cheese and you’re all set. You might want to skip the sour cream and guac.[/quote]

If the free range meat thing is true, then its better than most places. Although the fat content in the meat (maybe not chicken if its breast)is guaranteed to not be lean, it would make a good p/f meal. Usually when I’m in a pinch and eat out I go for p/f meals. Unless I’m cheatin I avoid restaurant carbs like the plague.

Okay, I’ve got sporadic Internet access tonight but I wanted to respond to a few threads while I have time.

I admit that I love this place. If I were mass building, I’d probably go once a week!

I currently go there for a treat and with a little damage control (i.e. tell them to skip the rice and cheese on the burrito), it’s not too bad. I like the fact that it’s basically “real food” compared to most other fast food places.

I eat the Burrito Bol, no wrap, and I also tell them to put in almost no rice, half a scoop and a lot of lettuce. I never have the cheese. Just one of the meats (except chicken), mild salsa, corn, hot salsa and a dash of sour cream. I have to say I love it. I’d be surprised if I get 800 Calories out of that.

I’ve loved Chipotle from their humble beginnings. There are many days I wish I was back in Colorado with some of the originals, but at least they have it here in Nebraska. And Moe’s, New York Burrito, and Q Doba. Chipotle would rank first for me, followed by Moe’s, N.Y. Burrito, and then Q Doba.

I always pay the extra for double chicken and go light on the rice. I live about a block from one, so I eat there quite a bit, especially post workout. Mmmm. I wish I hadn’t had that food after lifting tonight or I could go there right now…

I remember eating at the first Chipotle back before it was popular, it was this little hole in the wall next to DU and nobody could beleive the size of those burritos, or that they put a whole Mexican dish in the tortilla… now they’re the standard. crazy.

[quote]Garboth wrote:
I’ve loved Chipotle from their humble beginnings. There are many days I wish I was back in Colorado with some of the originals, but at least they have it here in Nebraska. And Moe’s, New York Burrito, and Q Doba. Chipotle would rank first for me, followed by Moe’s, N.Y. Burrito, and then Q Doba. [/quote]

I think Qdoba is better. They just opened one in Roseville, CA. I’m all over it. The calories are insane, but that’s what I want.

It’s 10:30…only 1/2 hour till Chipotle openes.

I’m going for a Chicken Burrito! Easily a third of my daily needs in one meal.

There was a Chipotle’s in Bethesda that I used to frequent, it was especially good after a night of binge drinking and filthy sex…The calories/macronutrient breakdown depend on what you get in it.

Nate, they’ve got a Moe’s down here in Boca and I loves me a double meat Homewrecker! Don’t really eat the chips, they’re good, I guess I’m just not a chip man. And it’s such a friendly place!