[quote]elano wrote:
I just figured that workout A would be for heavy pulls and workout B would be for light pulls (row and chin). I just figured that a pullup/chin and rows both worked the lats and biceps real good.
The week would go like
Monday- Squat press row
Wednesday- Squat bench deadlift
Friday- Squat press Chinups
Monday - Squat Bench power clean
Wednesday- squat press row
Friday - squat bench deadlift
Monday - Squat press chinups
Wednesday- Squat bench power clean
Friday - Squat press row
Right now deads are 1x5, powerclean 5x3, situps 2x8-12, and 3x5 of everything else
When squats start stalling, Im going to switch to a mon 5x5, wed 2x5, fri 1x5
I think its called the texas method?
Just a questions, but why not just do the “Starting Strength” program? Your schedule looks very, very similar, so it’s not like it would be a big difference.
The thing is, that Rippetoe has lots of experience with how to design a good program, and has already taken all of the guess work out of it. He has already figured out (and written out) how to add in things like chins, dips, and other accessory exercises. You on the other hand, don’t have that experience (no offense).
Tailoring a program to the individual is a good thing. But tweaking programs, and/or making up your own program is something that beginners should generally stay away from IMO (unless they’ve got the guidance of an experienced lifter/coach to help them).
They simply don’t fully understand what makes a solid routine and wind up decreasing the effectiveness of a program, not increasing it.
I realize you’re gonna do what you want to do, and even following your tweaked Starting Strength program you’ll see results (provided you adhere to the progressive model and eat enough). It just seems kind of silly to me to waist time trying to figure out how to incorporate certain lifts or which lifts are “better”, when it’s already been figured out for you.
Save the problem solving for later, when the newbie gains have stopped and you actually need it. That’s my two cents anyways.