So the first powerlifting meet was a success. I didn’t hit all my marks (I missed my 3rd bench attempt), but I also hit lifts I didn’t think were possible (474lbs raw deadlift).
Okay so that leaves me with 3 months - theoretically - before I leave for Marine Corps Officer Basic School. That also means that I can squeeze in one good 12 week cycle for a meet in March, or a decent 8 week cycle for a meet in February.
Short term goals: 165kg (363.8lbs) Squat / 110kg (242.5lbs) Bench / 227.5kg (501.6lbs) Deadlift AND lose enough bodyfat to get into the 67.5kg (148lbs) weightclass. If I can drop to that weightclass and hit somewhere around those lifts, I will be considered a “Master Classification” 148lbs powerlifter according to 100% RAW’s standards.
Long term goal: I am considered a junior division lifter until I hit the age of 24. The world record deadlift in the WPC 148lbs class for a junior lifter is 272.5 kg (600.8lbs). I AM GOING TO CHASE THIS RECORD!!! That means I have about 83 weeks to break that record before I fall into the Open division. That breaks down into a necessary gain of 2.875kg (6.34lbs) every 4 weeks. Might be impossible, but I will never know what my genetic potential holds until I really try. I’m a pretty good deadlifter, having hit x3 bodyweight with only about a year of training, so we’ll see how far that takes me.
I guess I’ll be keeping a training log here now. It’s the cool thing to do. First workout of the new cycle is next Monday.
Current 1-Rep maxes (raw):
Squat - 336lbs (meet)
Bench Press - 209lbs (meet) / 230lbs (gym)
Deadlift - 474lbs (meet)
Overhead Press - 165lbs (gym)
Weighted Chin-Up - 105lbs (gym)
I seem to remember other people saying something about “pics/video or it didn’t happen”. Here’s my proof of actually existing.
It’s cool your startin a log here! Nice job at your meet.
How does being in the Marine Corp affect your training? Obviousley boot camp would mess you up, but just daily life?
[quote]BlackLabel wrote:
It’s cool your startin a log here! Nice job at your meet.
How does being in the Marine Corp affect your training? Obviousley boot camp would mess you up, but just daily life?[/quote]
It depends.
- I didn’t start working out seriously till about a year ago. I’ve been in the reserves (which means I don’t do Marine work everyday), for about 2 years now. Neither have come into conflict with the other.
- I did have to take 3 months out during the summer to do “Officer Candidate School”. That was one of those physically punishing schools that barely give you enough sleep and whatnot. So once I came back, I had to spend about 5-6 weeks just rehabbing and getting back to my full strength. So you could say that schools like that are a huge interference. Had I been working out before I went to boot camp, it would have been the same thing.
- When I was in my military occupational school, I didn’t have that hard of time working out. They would make us do distance running and assorted calisthenics 3 times a week in the morning, but that usually wasn’t enough to disrupt a workout routine. Although, at that time, my workout was much more strength endurance rather than maximal strength and explosive power oriented.
It really depends on where you are. But in my experience, as long as you’re not in one of those testing schools, you have enough time to train / recover.
Week 1, Day 1:
Going to emphasize higher volume and muscular balance / pre-hab for the first 4 weeks. Didn’t feel spectacular. Had to drive my family to Vegas (a 5 hour drive for us), and didn’t get there until 1am. Then kept getting bothered during my sleep by them.
Jump Squat
3 x 3 @ 95
2 x 5 @ 135
1 x 5 @ 185
1 x 5 @ 225
4 x 5 @ 245
1 x 9 @ 245
1-Leg Hip Thrust
3 x 8 @ 45
1-Leg Straight Leg Deadlift
3 x 5 @ 80
Reverse Barbell Lunge
2 x 8 @ 95
I didn’t do a third set of lunges because my legs were drained and I didn’t think it would help to add another set.
Week 1, Day 2:
Felt better. A bit stiff from driving back from Vegas, but being stuck in the driver’s seat can do that to you.
Military Press:
2 x 8 @ 45
2 x 5 @ 85
1 x 5 @ 115
4 x 5 @ 125
1 x 8 @ 125
Bradford Press (my first time doing this movement)
1 x 8 @ 95
1 x 6 @ 95
1 x 5 @ 95
Weighted Chin-Up + Ballistic Chin-Up (Superset)
2 x 5 @ 60
1 x 4 @ 60
1-Arm DB Row
3 x 8 @ 100
Barbell Shrugs
3 x 10 @ 275
Fat Bar Timed hold
2 x 6 sec @ 185
Plenty of volume. Fun stuff.
Week 1, Day 3
Merry Christmas, everyone!
2 x 8 @ 45
2 x 8 @ 95
1 x 5 @ 135
1 x 5 @ 185
1 x 5 @ 225
4 x 5 @ 250
1 x 8 @ 250
1-Leg Barbell Glute-Bridge
3 x 8 @ 35 (I really used it up on those squats apparently)
Natural Glute-Ham Raise
3 x 6 @ Bodyweight
Dragon Flag
3 x 6 @ Bodyweight
Farmer’s Walk
3 sets to failure w/ 120lbs Dumbbells
Week 1, Day 4
I felt wasted after this workout. I’m not sure if it’s because it took too long, or trying to eat after doing ab-work (which always feels weird). I’m still working on developing some of these movements.
A lot of this is new to me, but I feel that hitting the higher volume of accessory work this month will pay off greatly in work capacity later on in my more sport-specific low volume cycles. Also, trying new movements is pretty fun and a good learning experience.
Explosive Push-Ups
3 x 3 @ BW
Close-Grip Pause Bench Press
2 x 6 @ 95
1 x 5 @ 135
4 x 5 @ 165
1 x 6 @ 165
Dumbbell Incline Press
1 x 10 @ 65’s
1 x 6 @ 65’s
1 x 5 @ 65’s
Tate Press
1 x 12 @ 20’s
1 x 10 @ 30’s
1 x 9 @ 30’s
1-Arm Dumbbell High Row
3 x 10 @ 90
Rear Delt (Pec Deck Machine)
1 x 12 @ 70
1 x 12 @ 90
1 x 12 @ 100
Swiss Ball Weighted Crunch
4 x 6 @ 35
Miscellaneous Finger/Support Grip Training
Week 2, Day 1
After feeling like crap after my last workout and my body’s horrible attempt at recovery, I decided to drop some of the volume of my workout.
2 x 8 @ 45
1 x 8 @ 95
1 x 6 @ 135
1 x 5 @ 185
1 x 3 @ 225
1 x 5 @ 255
3 x 4 @ 265
1 x 7 @ 265
Pistol Squat:
2 x 6 @ BW
Suitcase Deadlift:
1 x 8 @ 135
2 x 8 @ 155
Swiss-Ball Crunch:
1 x 10 @ 45
2 x 6 @ 70
Jump Rope Intervals:
(However long it took for my fiancée to get off of the stairmaster)
This workout felt a lot better and I believe still gave me enough volume and time under tension.
Week 2, Day 2
So I am much happier with a lower volume of work and really making my time count for productive gains, not ego boosting workload. My body feels better a lot better.
I am going to need to keep up this discipline if I am going to play in that basketball league that my buddy wants me to play in. Even thought it’s an “Asian league” with a 6’2" height restriction, I’m still pretty short at 5’5". The funny part is my powerlifting / strongman training conditioning allows me to play a position I’ve always coveted, the “point forward”. I played a bit of point guard in high school, but now that I’m strong enough to blow right through most guys (especially Asian guys at that) without worrying about giving up anything more than 8 inches in height, I can play in the post. Here’s to Gary Peyton, Jason Kidd, and Charles Barkley for proving that could be done.
Avoiding excess volume should allow for gains in my workouts while still having fun with sports on the side.
Explosive Push-Ups
3 x 3 @ BW
Military Press
2 x 8 @ 45
2 x 6 @ 95
1 x 4 @ 115
1 x 3 @ 135
4 x 4 @ 140
1 x 5 @ 140
Bradford Press
2 x 5 @ 105
Alternating Dumbbell Front / Lateral Raises
2 x (4/4) @ 27.5’s
1 x (6/6) @ 22.5’s
Weighted Chin-Up + Ballistic Pull-Up Superset
1 x 7 @ 60
2 x 5 @ 60
Barbell Russian Twist
3 x 8 @ 25,35,45
Thick Grip Timed Barbell Hold
4 x 6 seconds @ 185
Week 2, Day 3
Happy New Years!
So they closed the gym early yesterday so it’s a good thing I’m starting to quicken the pace of my workouts / lower volume. This is from yesterday. 
Vertical Jump
3x3 @ BW
Wide-Stance Squat
2x8 @ 45
2x6 @ 95
1x6 @ 135
1x4 @ 185
1x3 @ 225
4x4 @ 265
1x7 @ 265
King Deadlift
3x(6/6) @ 135
1-Leg Barbell Glute Bridge
1x(8/8) @ 45
1x(8/8) @ 65
Natural Glute-Ham Raise
2x8 @ BW
Dragon Flag
3x6 @ BW
Played an unofficial basketball tourney today. 4 teams round robin. Then 2 winning teams play a final.
I played the power-forward spot. Our team lost the first game and won the other 2, eventually winning the final by two points in a “free-throw contest” ending.
I love strength training so much. I absolutely hammered the centers on the opposing teams. Didn’t matter how much taller they were than me. I made sure they knew that getting rebounds or scoring would be an incredibly difficult task. Must be a Napoleon complex type of thing. Good times. hehe.
Week 2, Day 4
Felt pretty explosive today. Couldn’t hit as many reps as I thought I would on my CG bench, but it sure felt like my technique is locking in better.
Explosive Push-Up
3x3 @ BW
Close Grip Bench Press
2 x 8 @ 45
2 x 6 @ 95
1 x 4 @ 135
1 x 3 @ 160
Close Grip Pause Bench Press
4 x 4 @ 180
1 x 5 @ 180
Thick Grip DB Incline Press
3 x 9,6,6 @ 60’s
Tate Press
2 x 10 @ 30,35
1-Arm DB Row
3 x 15 @ 85
Machine Rear-Delt Fly
3 x 10,9,9 @ 100
Plate Pinch Timed-Hold
Week 3, Day 1
Didn’t feel strong today. But hit the weights anyway. We’ll see if I pay for it during my next few workouts.
Power Clean (really need to reincorporate this into my training, I’m getting too slow without them).
2 x 4 @ 45
1 x 4 @ 95
1 x 3 @ 135
1 x 2 @ 155
1 x 1 @ 165, 175, 185
Beltless Narrow-Stance Squat
1 x 6 @ 135
1 x 4 @ 185
1 x 3 @ 225
1 x 2 @ 255
3 x 3 @ 285
1 x 4 @ 285
Pistol Squat
2 x 6 @ BW
2" Deficit Suitcase Deadlift
3 x 6 @ 165
Swiss Ball Crunch
3 x 6 @ 70
Fat-Gripz Deadlift w/ Timed Hold
5 x 1 @ 205
Week 3, Day 2
More fun today in the gym. Focusing on form and less on weight on my power cleans felt better. I’ll keep working on it. Maybe put up a video for others to critique.
Power Clean
2 x 5 @ 45
1 x 4 @ 95
1 x 3 @ 115
1 x 3 @ 135
6 x 2 @ 155 (When I hit my crotch with the bar, that’s when I knew I was finally getting enough hip extension. I also knew that my timing was off.)
Military Press
1 x 4 @ 115
1 x 2 @ 135
3 x 3 @ 150
1 x 4 @ 150 (I really had to fight for that last rep. Felt like I was pressing for an hour.)
Bradford Press
2 x 7 @ 95
1 x 6 @ 95
Weighted + Ballistic Chin-Up (Superset)
1 x 5+3 @ 60
2 x 4+3 @ 60
Barbell Russian Twist
3 x 12 @ 45
Week 3, Day off
Woke up with nasty pain in my left wrist… again. This is why I don’t power clean. Amazing how one forgets these types of things. Used some ice and tiger balm and then some self-massage on the area and also got the rest of my arm and shoulder loosened up. That generally helps it a bit. It’ll go away eventually, I just have to really watch myself now.
Played basketball today as cardio. Felt good and helped loosen up my wrist a bit (I still kept it wrapped up with an ace bandage thingy though). My 1-on-1 offense still sucks. Kept getting blocked by a tall guy on my drives while playing 21. It was sad. Team wise, I’ve still got it. 3-on-3, I completely shutdown the guy I was guarding and got all but 1 rebound over him while giving up about 4 inches of height. I managed to get back at the tall guy with a few steals and messing up his outside shots with good run-outs. Hit a triple and a runner, but I still really need to get comfortable with my 1-on-1 so I can take advantage of my quickness and strength advantage. At least I’m a really good defender, but I’d rather not be so one-dimensional.
Week 3, Day 3
Took me a while to warm up. Since I’m not doing power cleans anymore (stupid wrist pain), I went back to using vertical jumping as my CNS ramp. I have a long couple of days ahead of me. Tried to leave some in the tank for tomorrow.
Vertical Jump
3 x 3 @ BW
Wide Stance Beltless Squat
2 x 8 @ 45
2 x 6 @ 95
1 x 6 @ 135
1 x 4 @ 185
1 x 3 @ 225
1 x 1 @ 255
2 x 3 @ 280
1 x 2 @ 280
King Deadlift
2 x 5 @ 185
1-Leg Hip Thrust
2 x 8 @ 65
Natural Glute-Ham Raise
2 x 6 @ BW
Dragon Flags
3 x 6 @ BW
Week 3, Day 4
So, my wrist hurts kinda nasty. But at least it’s workable now. Affected my CGBP today, but only at complete lock-out.
Close Grip Bench
2 x 8 @ 45
2 x 6 @ 95
1 x 6 @ 135
1 x 4 @ 165
Close Grip Pause Bench
3 x 3 @ 195
1 x 4 @ 195
Fat Gripz Incline Press
2 x 6 @ 65’s
1-Arm Push-Ups
3 x 8 @ BW
1-Arm DB Row
2 x 12 @ 95
Rear Delt Machine Fly (different machine)
1 x 12 @ 105
1 x 10 @ 105
1 x 6 @ 105
Week 4 (deload), Day 1
Wrist pain is dying down. Lost our first basketball game of the season yesterday. Total lack of teamwork on our part. We rushed too much. Also, I only committed one foul, should’ve used at least 2-3 more to slow the game down.
Vertical Jump:
3 x 3 @ bw
Narrow Stance Beltless Squat
2 x 8 @ 45
1 x 8 @ 95
1 x 6 @ 135
1 x 4 @ 185
1 x 5 @ 205
1 x 5 @ 215
1 x 5 @ 225
1-Leg Leg Press
2 x 7 @ 135
Suitcase Deadlift w/ 2" deficit
2 x 6 @ 165
Hanging Leg Raise
4 x 10 @ bw
Fat Gripz Deadlift
4 x 1 @ 205
Week 4 (deload), Day 2
My wrist feels A LOT better. It still stings a bit, but for the most part, I can do whatever I need to do with it.
1-Arm DB Snatch
1 x 3 @ 30
1 x 3 @ 50
1 x 3 @ 65
Military Press
2 x 8 @ 45
1 x 5 @ 95
1 x 5 @ 105
1 x 5 @ 115
Bradford Press
3 x 7,7,6 @ 95
Lat Pull-Down
4 x 7,7,7,5 @ 210
Barbell Russian Twist
3 x 8 @ 60
Fat Gripz Timed DL Hold
4 x 8 sec @ 185