Chains with westside

I want to get a set of my own chains made, but even the industrial hardware stores around me only stock 1/2" chains, I haven’t been able to find any that have 5/8" for me. I was thinking of getting the 1/2" chains and just getting them cut longer so that they still weigh 2o lbs each. As long as I set the chains up so that it conforms to westside directions (complete deload at the bottom of the bench, 2-3 links on the floor at all times with squats) i’m guessing this shouldn’t be a problem. Anyone have any thoughts?

I did this and it works fine. First get 2 five foot long (can’t remember if it was 1/8 or 3/8’s but strong enough to hold the chains. Then get 2 1 foot long chains of the same size. Then for the 1/2 inch don’t get it longer just get more of then, but I think they are 5 or 6 feet long not sure right now but it was the same as the ones from EFS. I actually got the 1/2 inch chains and then some more of the 3/8 chains and you have to weight them out to get the right combination. If you just get longer ones on bench day to much will be on the bar for you to deload at the bottom postion.
Also you should take in to consideration the price of all of these chains. You might be better off just getting yours from EFS. They have them set up already, unless you can get your chains for free I would do it the right way once. Good luck.

The 1/2" chain works fine man. Like he said, get the 3/8" chain for the connectors.

See if you can find a store that will actually order some 5/8 chain for you. I found one that would and the total for 10 feet cut in 5 foot sections was $88, including shipping and handling