[quote]therajraj wrote:
He’s governor.
All religion is a trick, trying to turn humans into mindless robots. I’m not surprised that this criminal gets down with the robots.
I don’t get it. Is there something more. Doesn’t say he prayed to Allah. And, have you ever seen an Iraqi Catholic pray?
Uh, I fail to see the issue. First, ‘Allah’ is simply arabic for ‘God’ if I were reading an Arabic bible, ‘Allah’ will likely be there as ‘God’. Second, the man is simply trying to do some good, try to foster unity between people, where is the problem?
[quote]Brother Chris wrote:
I don’t get it. Is there something more. Doesn’t say he prayed to Allah. And, have you ever seen an Iraqi Catholic pray?[/quote]
Chaldeans pray on rugs like the Muslims?
So I guess this is what Catholic mass looks like nowadays?
[quote]therajraj wrote:
So I guess this is what Catholic mass looks like nowadays?[/quote]
Is that mass?
My gosh can we stop with the threads trying (and failing) to bash Catholics?
[quote]ZEB wrote:
My gosh can we stop with the threads trying (and failing) to bash Catholics?
Seriously. How the heck did we get to be so interesting all of a sudden? It’s been Catholic this and Catholic that for a bit now. Go ask Moshe, and give us a break.
Edit: Then again, there’s Jewish/Israel (Judaism naturally comes up) related stuff recently. How about bugging the Baptists or something, then? Hindus? Buddhists? Something, yeesh.
Catholics are being bashed in this thread?
I just don’t get why the mayor is pandering to muslims so much.
Let me rephrase the title of this thread to: Non-muslim Chicago mayor prays to allah.
[quote]Sloth wrote:
[quote]ZEB wrote:
My gosh can we stop with the threads trying (and failing) to bash Catholics?
Seriously. How the heck did we get to be so interesting all of a sudden? It’s been Catholic this and Catholic that for a bit now. Go ask Moshe, and give us a break.
Edit: Then again, there’s Jewish/Israel (Judaism naturally comes up) related stuff recently. How about bugging the Baptists or something, then? Hindus? Buddhists? Something, yeesh.[/quote]
Truly, the focus on Catholics on this site borders on the obsessive.
My gosh if homosexuals were treated this poorly everyone would say there was hate involved…he he.
One more example of a world that is upside down.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
Catholics are being bashed in this thread?
I just don’t get why the mayor is pandering to muslims so much.
Let me rephrase the title of this thread to: Non-muslim Chicago mayor prays to allah.
/Shrug. You continued by saying something about the Catholic mass. Never-mind, I accept the rephrase. However, don’t you think it’s more likely he simply said a Catholic/Christian prayer? Physical gestures/action are more like an aid to prayer, not the prayer itself. They’re more tradition than anything else. Unless there’s some indication that he rejected Jesus as the Christ, and accepted Mohammed as the last great Prophet…I’m not sure that we can say he prayed to Allah. Well, not in the way it seems you’re implying.
Now, I assume you understand that he’s likely to pray to God (as Catholics/Christians understand). At least prior to his…I don’t know…possible subjugation to Islam? Would that’ve been noteworthy? His prayers to the God of Christianity? Or, is it particularly noteworthy because this involves Islam? What if he converted to Islam, and prayed to Allah from here on out? Would it maintain your interest. Or, would it be immediately dropped from your sphere of thought?
I have your post about baby names in the UK in mind. Wondering if there’s something specifically on your mind lately. A certain large religion standing out more these days in your atheistic worldview? Say, a certain religion that starts with an “I,” and ends with an “M?” Eh? Eeeeeh? Spill it!
Just feels like there’s some thoughts you’re not sharing.
If an atheist hates all religions, but hate one more than the others, does that make him a bigot? Do you guys have to hate all of them equally? I’m not up on the proper atheist etiquette.
[quote]Sloth wrote:
Just feels like there’s some thoughts you’re not sharing. [/quote]
I’ve just been reading more about the Islamization of Europe and some of the problem it’s causing (already).
For instance Sweden has become the rape capital of the world and muslims are contributing disproportionately to this problem. Yes, rape statistics are likely inflated to an extent due to strong feminist influences in the country, but approximately 25% of people incarcerated in Sweden are foreign born. Crazy.
I also recently watched a documentary called Femme De La Rue
It’s kinda long 25min but watchable.
In case you aren’t interested in watching it, here’s the crux of the film:
Native European women are unable to walk down the streets of Belgium without being accosted by Arab and Somali muslim men. They aren’t just trying to pickup these women (I don’t have a problem with that per se) they are making sexual comments, calling them sluts, whores, “sweet butt,” etc. especially when they refuse their advances.
I just wonder what the world will look like when I’m older. 25 years from now when I’m in my 50’s, will Europe even be livable, or heck even visitable?
I can also see a large visible anti-muslim resistance forming in the future. Something that we haven’t seen before. For this reason, I often wonder how difficult it will be for me to travel for simply having an appearance that could pass as muslim. Even though I couldn’t see myself living outside of North America, I do want to see the world.
On the other hand, I do think Canadians won’t put up with Islamization. We have rejected Muslim attempts to gain special treatment in the past (Sharia Law) and our PM has gone on the record stating Islamization is one of the greatest threats to Canadian national security.
[quote]Sloth wrote:
If an atheist hates all religions, but hate one more than the others, does that make him a bigot? Do you guys have to hate all of them equally? I’m not up on the proper atheist etiquette. [/quote]
There is no proper etiquette
They’ll usually spend more effort against Christianity because that’s the majority here
They’ll almost always hate Islam more, but it doesn’t make as much sense to particularly show that. It’s kind of like a ‘return on investment’ / ‘diminishing returns’ kinda thing.
I would also guess that’s why they go after Catholics pretty often - a specific group with a large presence here, that’s how you dish out maximal damage. Either that or just Christians / religion in general
“They” probably wouldn’t like my terminology of ‘against Christianity’, ‘hate Islam’, ‘maximal damage’, etc. But if certain individuals keep bringing up the same things, how is it not a negative obsession?
The article was weird
has a description of the picture as
[quote]Gov. Pat Quinn joins in prayer with Chicago area Muslims during Salaat al-Eid at Toyota Park, which celebrates the end of Ramadan (the holy month of fasting observed by Muslims). Sunday, August 19, 2012 | Brian Jackson~Sun Times [/quote]The picture doesn’t show him praying, it shows him sitting
Article also says
[quote]Quinn, kneeling on a rug facing the holy city of Mecca, followed along as thousands bowed in prayer to celebrate Eid, the Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.[/quote]Thing is that “Quinn, kneeling on a rug facing the holy city of Mecca” translates roughly as “sitting on rug”.
It also said “followed along as thousands bowed”, but as written it implies that he did that by kneeling on a rug. Nope. Wrong.
Kinda weird if he did pray Muslim style with a bunch of Muslims. He may have, but I don’t assume he did. Article is intentionally misleading - imo - regardless of what exactly happened
[quote]Sloth wrote:
If an atheist hates all religions, but hate one more than the others, does that make him a bigot? Do you guys have to hate all of them equally? I’m not up on the proper atheist etiquette. [/quote]
Meh, focus where need is greatest.
The Dalai Lama preaches homosexuality as ‘sexual misconduct’ but he has very little influence on the western world. So why waste time?
Once Buddhists, Hindus/whatever are legislating their morality into government I’ll pay more attention.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
So I guess this is what Catholic mass looks like nowadays?[/quote]
Where did you get that picture?
I didn’t find it in the article.
What, exactly, are you getting at?
I don’t think it’s clear to anyone here
[quote]therajraj wrote:
For instance Sweden has become the rape capital of the world and muslims are contributing disproportionately to this problem. Yes, rape statistics are likely inflated to an extent due to strong feminist influences in the country, but approximately 25% of people incarcerated in Sweden are foreign born. Crazy.
Europe maybe, but not the world.
South Africa, Botswana, and D.R Congo have higher rates.
[quote]therajraj wrote:
Native European women are unable to walk down the streets of Belgium without being accosted by Arab and Somali muslim men. They aren’t just trying to pickup these women (I don’t have a problem with that per se) they are making sexual comments, calling them sluts, whores, “sweet butt,” etc. especially when they refuse their advances.
Sort of like what happens here when a woman passes a construction site? Or what I used to see when I lived in the ghetto?
BTW, this isn’t a Muslim thing but an uneducated, poor people from a third world country who happen to be Muslim thing. And historically, even in this country, crime follows poor immigrants. That’s the problem facing some of these European nations. It isn’t about how to integrate Muslims as much as it is how to integrate people from a different culture who are uneducated. These negative behaviors that are being described are not an expression of Islam. The Koran doesn’t instruct people to harass women like that or to rape them. Do you think a well educated Muslim who goes to Europe to become a professor or practice medicine is going to hang out on corners and insult women?
[quote]Sloth wrote:
If an atheist hates all religions, but hate one more than the others, does that make him a bigot? Do you guys have to hate all of them equally? I’m not up on the proper atheist etiquette. [/quote]
LOL…I know that term is over used but I really did laugh out loud.