Carrot Top - WTF?!?!?!

[quote]Scott M wrote:
This has been talked about a lot here. He works out and looks better than 95% of the population regardless of if he wants to site inject or whatever it is. [/quote]

Better physique? Yes.

Looks better? Not with that face.

[quote]That One Guy wrote:
This is a terrible point if you’re trying to bring up the fact that because he parties he can’t recover as adequately. So maybe he get’s in late and drinks tons of alcohol which can affect physique transformation. he doesn’t have a 9-5 job or anything so he can just sleep in as late as he wants and keep his diet as close to perfect as he wants. Partying does not condemn him as a bodybuilder[/quote]

Sleeping and a perfect diet will not keep your physique in check without help from AAS if you do lots of drugs and drink. If you think it will then sorry, you are completely wrong.

The guy juices, it’s obvious, that’s the end of story.

[quote]Emmortal wrote:

The guy juices, it’s obvious, that’s the end of story.

Well, I guess that settles the argument -lol.

Does he use? Maybe. Does his level of development mean he must be using? Hell no, some of you guys are ridiculous. Aren’t there better things to worry about?


I’m only slightly impressed by the fact that he’s 42, and maintains that condition. However, he’s genetically predisposed to having very low BF.

You know he abuses rec drugs, so it’s prolly a given he uses roids, and maybe even site inj oil for those delts.
He’s certainly not big and probably not very strong either.
Bottom line, he’s freaky. Not Mr.O freaky, I mean like Michael Jackson freaky. Check out the face makeup, eye makeup, lip injections, etc.
Don’t let your kids sleep over at this guy’s place…

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
Well, I guess that settles the argument -lol.

Does he use? Maybe. Does his level of development mean he must be using? Hell no, some of you guys are ridiculous. Aren’t there better things to worry about?


Personally I have no problem with him juicing or not, in fact more power to him, at his age he’s probably on HRT and taking full advantage of it, which is great.

I’m just saying this didn’t happen over a long period of time, he was skinny one year, and 6 months later BOOM, steroid like mass increase. Due to his history of drug use, there’s no doubt in my mind he uses gear. Again, I don’t care if he does, but it’s ridiculous to say that he’s not.