I’ve been doing your Fat-Loss program from Thib Army. I know it’s not optimal, but I train at 5:30 AM. I have a serving of Plazma before the lifting days, and another intra-workout. For the energy systems work days, I had been taking Mag-10 before.
After reading some recent threads, I’m thinking that’s probably not enough to stave off high levels of cortisol, especially from training in the morning. Should I take some Plazma before the ESW or eat some fruit, etc?
I train at 6… I actually believe that if you can handle it, early morning workouts are the best. Cortisol is elevated anyway during the morning. So training in the morning allows you to maintain a normal cortisol/testosterone cycle
hi coach, I am doing same programme and was told on your facebook chat not to have pineapple before energy system work. Is it only necessary for early morning training to have carbs?( I train in the afternoon).
It’s because you train in the afternoon and thus already had meals (so you were not fasted). He is training at 5:30am and close to being in a fasted state. AND cortisol is naturally higher in the morning. Not the same situation at all.