Carbolin 19 and Cissus Quadrangularis

I posted in the last Cissus quadrangularis thread below but would like to update my progress with the addition of Carbolin 19 and other Biotest ancillaries.

First off, I have vast experience with steroids and done over 12 cycles of various different compounds to judge effectiveness.

I am going to compare Carbolin 19 and Cissus stack to moderate dose of 25mg(daily) Anavar, 300mg Primobolan(weekly), and 20mg of d-bol(daily). I gained roughly 10 lbs in 8 weeks of solid muscle on a strict diet without any side effects besides shutdown on the HTPA. This was my last cycle maybe 6 weeks ago.

Into PCT (post cycle recovery), although I am a fan of Cy Willson’s testosterone recovery. I decided to give Carbolin 19 the benefit of the doubt since its marketed as a “bridge.” A bridge should allow for natural recovery. The anavar bride is used but does not allow for full recovery so that’s one positive for Carbolin 19 over Anavar in my opinion.

I had used Cissus Q for joint issues in the past and always gotten a great anabolic response. Those who have used steroids and in particular D-bol get a sensation to flex even while sitting at your desk (hard to explain). Besides the joint effects Cissus RX has some anabolic properties as it claims.

I am in week 10 of Carbolin 19 and cissus Q and the results are phenomenal for something so natural. To many times the consumer wants 8 lbs in 3 weeks. I honestly attest that to the supplement industries marketing tactics with lavish claims on all products that has brained washed common sense out of the consumer. I have seen it on all the Carbolin 19 threads. They want 10 lbs in 2 weeks, which is not possible.

I want 8 lbs in 10 weeks of solid “real” muscle that will stick around for life. With Carbolin 19 and Cissus, I have gained exactly that in 10 weeks all after finishing a steroid cycle.

I am 18 lbs heavier in 22 weeks and 10 of the 22 weeks where suppose to be for recovery. I gained 8 lbs while feeling healthy and void of chemicals. Have to love that!

I have a degree in nutrition and study this site religiously to increase and experiment with different protocols.

My diet is always in check. I use Surge Pre/post workout and keep a detailed food log to track progress. I understand my physiology. As I age in educations, I am learning to manipulate supplement use to void my life of steroid use.

Give Carbolin 19 a legit shot for 12 weeks with all aspect in check like diet, training and rest. You will be surprised plus Carbolin 19 is really a great anti-depressant.

roll on

Good post…What dosage protocol did you use for Carbolin 19?

[quote]Gnostic wrote:
Good post…What dosage protocol did you use for Carbolin 19?[/quote]

A modified dose pattern for conservation since I am a poor college student again.

This was for the first 4 weeks of the cycle.

Workout days–4 days
2 Carbolin 19/3 cissus Rx
1 Carbolin 19/3 cissus
post workout
1 Carbolin 19/2cissus

Non workout days–3 day
2 Carbolin 19/2 cissus Rx
1 Carbolin 19/2 cissus Rx

Carbolin 19 has a residual effects in my body so after 3 weeks I change the protocol to a more conservative level. I am not sure about the half life of Carbolin 19 or cissus but I use this protocol of most supplements and it works.

Workout days–4 days
2 Carbolin 19/3 cissus Rx
1 Carbolin 19/3 cissus
post workout
1 Carbolin 19/2cissus

Non workout days–1 day(stretch)
2 Carbolin 19/2 cissus Rx
1 Carbolin 19/2 cissus Rx

Total rest-2 days
no supplements taken.

My personal theory of the body being primed by the supplements for 3-4 weeks that taking 2 days off will negatively effect the cycle.

I will rest for 4 weeks from supplement and use a Carbolin 19/cissus/ Surge cycle not as a bridge but as an ANABOLIC cycle.

I have supplemented for over 6 years and Carbolin 19 and cissus has produced the most amazing results without effecting my testicals.

Guys talk about superdrol and these “other designer supplements” that are actual steroids. These guys get a book find a structure related to a steroid have it produced not knowing the side effects and pushing it legally. Which is could lead to legal issues and especially threaten the supplement industy as a whole. I would rather use Testosteron/deca/d-bol as there is an abundance of research and countless of anecdotal research.

You may gain 7lbs in 4 weeks. You have absolutely no idea whats going on at the cellular level and that folks is SCARY!!

Carbolin 19 is natural and used for years under another name and Cissus is naturally rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals and even helps with stomach ulcers that has been used in India for 30-40 years.

roll on

As stated elsewhere, I had great results with Cissus with regard to my tendinitis. Shortly thereafter, I started using Cabolin 19 (1 capsule, twice daily) along with a single dose of Cissus-Rx (3 capsules), and after about two months, I had packed on about 2 lbs. of muscle (nice surprise at my age).

I then dropped the Cissus-Rx and double dosed the Carbolin 19 for about three weeks, and gained another 1 - 1.5 of muscle with nice steady strength gains, which anyone who isn’t a “knucklehead,” as defined by a very wise CEO, can really appreciate.

I’m not big on giving “props” to product makers, but I’ve had pretty good success with most Biotest products over the years (I’ve been around since 1999 as a reader/customer, so that oughtta tell ya’ sum’tin’), and I’m adding Carbolin 19 to my “must have” list for non-hormonal muscle builders.

I’m doing a short “prosteroid (I know - it’s not a real word!)” cycle right now, and I intend to use Carbolin 19, along with the usual suspects, when I finish.

You guys read my mind. A month ago I was contemplating a Carbolin 19/Cissus stack, but wanted to see what effect Cissus had by itself. I’ll definately attest to the anabolic effects and urge to randomly flex while sitting at my desk.

I’m thinking of upping my CQ dosage to 4.8g/day and possibly adding some ZMA for the next month. After which I think I’ll introduce some Carbolin 19 in order to determine it’s efficacy.

Does this sounds like a good plan?
Any suggestions for things like dosage, timing, and supplementation off days are appreciated.

Thanks for the great feedback, fellas. I’ve been taking Carbolin 19 for a little over 12wks at different dosing protocols throughout. For the lion share of the time, I have taken 3pills per day. I’m up 2lbs from baseline, but have definitely leaned out as well. I’m effecting my own body-comp assessments, so my measurements may not be as scientific as some would prefer. At this juncture, it looks like I’ve gained about 6lbs of muscle and lost 4lbs of fat. Not bad for an older fart on the cusp of 40. Also, with family and work, I’m not quite as hardcore with my training, as many on this forum.

Cardinal, what type of PS are you going to be using. I’m getting ready to start one of the new “designer” products out there (prostanozol). It’s non-methylated, so shouldn’t be to harsh on the liver.

[quote]edgecrusher wrote:
You guys read my mind. A month ago I was contemplating a Carbolin 19/Cissus stack, but wanted to see what effect Cissus had by itself. I’ll definately attest to the anabolic effects and urge to randomly flex while sitting at my desk.

I’m thinking of upping my CQ dosage to 4.8g/day and possibly adding some ZMA for the next month. After which I think I’ll introduce some Carbolin 19 in order to determine it’s efficacy.[/quote]

Does this sounds like a good plan?
Any suggestions for things like dosage, timing, and supplementation off days are appreciated.[/quote]

I use Biotest ZMA in the morning opposed to nighttime as my dreams become vividly scary with ZMA at night. If I could transfer the dreams to paper, the movie exorcist would be a cartoon.

I just always take 2 off days a week after using any supplement for 3 weeks straight. I do not have science behind the theory, but I do postulate saturation occurs. If Biotest would investigate half-lives that would be awesome addition to a visionary company (HINT HINT).

Since Cissus is so cheap and the company that produces has a huge sale going (will not mention the company since this is a Biotest forum).

I will increase my cissus dose to 10 grams a day as I read some great anecdotal reports on that dosage for anabolic purposes.

Just follow my protocol or the back of the label. I will also increase my Carbolin 19 dosage since I got some student grant money coming in.Books yea right. Biotest before

I also like to note that Carbolin 19 is great for bulking clean! Meaning you can bulk and not gain fat; you cannot eat McDonalds and shit. You can take in calories that would of once made you gain fat and not gain fat. I find the same thing happening with HOT-ROX but without the PUMP of Carbolin 19.

The Carbolin 19/cissus PUMP is steroid like and add some citrulline malate and you will me a Monster pumped and full of stamina and a hint of Spike hypnotizes you on the iron

[quote]Gnostic wrote:
Thanks for the great feedback, fellas. I’ve been taking Carbolin 19 for a little over 12wks at different dosing protocols throughout. For the lion share of the time, I have taken 3pills per day. I’m up 2lbs from baseline, but have definitely leaned out as well. I’m effecting my own body-comp assessments, so my measurements may not be as scientific as some would prefer. At this juncture, it looks like I’ve gained about 6lbs of muscle and lost 4lbs of fat. Not bad for an older fart on the cusp of 40. Also, with family and work, I’m not quite as hardcore with my training, as many on this forum.

Cardinal, what type of PS are you going to be using. I’m getting ready to start one of the new “designer” products out there (prostanozol). It’s non-methylated, so shouldn’t be to harsh on the liver.


I’m actually using a transdermal that I stashed away at the time of the ban. It contains 1-test, 4-AD, and 4-hydroxy test.

I’ve done that before as well. And assuming like you have experienced, I have never had any sedative or drowsy problems/issues. I feel that the sedative effects just don’t kick in until after your asleep, and your body treats it like any other mineral if you take it during the day.

Bumping this, would like Cy Wilson to give some theory on this.

[quote]Mack wrote:
Bumping this, would like Cy Wilson to give some theory on this. [/quote]

Thoughts on what exactly?

oops, tried to copy a quote and it didn’t work. A couple posts back, they mentioned having vivid/scary dreams so they switched the ZMA to during the day. Would doing that still give you the benefits of the supplement? Or is it mainly something to take before bed for sleep purposes? I started taking melatonin for sleep and it works great, but I also quit the ZMA do to the vivid dreams. Thanks

I see many people having split opinions on creatine, do you believe it is an essential supplment for body builders?

What does a good pre and post nutrition/supplementation for a 20 minute HIIT cardio consist of?


[quote]Mack wrote:
oops, tried to copy a quote and it didn’t work. A couple posts back, they mentioned having vivid/scary dreams so they switched the ZMA to during the day. Would doing that still give you the benefits of the supplement? Or is it mainly something to take before bed for sleep purposes? I started taking melatonin for sleep and it works great, but I also quit the ZMA do to the vivid dreams. Thanks[/quote]

Yes, the benefits would still be there, with the possible exception of the magnesium helping one get to sleep.

Hope this helps.

[quote]Cy Willson wrote:
Mack wrote:
oops, tried to copy a quote and it didn’t work. A couple posts back, they mentioned having vivid/scary dreams so they switched the ZMA to during the day. Would doing that still give you the benefits of the supplement? Or is it mainly something to take before bed for sleep purposes? I started taking melatonin for sleep and it works great, but I also quit the ZMA do to the vivid dreams. Thanks

Yes, the benefits would still be there, with the possible exception of the magnesium helping one get to sleep.

Hope this helps.[/quote]

Good to Know!