I posted in the last Cissus quadrangularis thread below but would like to update my progress with the addition of Carbolin 19 and other Biotest ancillaries.
First off, I have vast experience with steroids and done over 12 cycles of various different compounds to judge effectiveness.
I am going to compare Carbolin 19 and Cissus stack to moderate dose of 25mg(daily) Anavar, 300mg Primobolan(weekly), and 20mg of d-bol(daily). I gained roughly 10 lbs in 8 weeks of solid muscle on a strict diet without any side effects besides shutdown on the HTPA. This was my last cycle maybe 6 weeks ago.
Into PCT (post cycle recovery), although I am a fan of Cy Willson’s testosterone recovery. I decided to give Carbolin 19 the benefit of the doubt since its marketed as a “bridge.” A bridge should allow for natural recovery. The anavar bride is used but does not allow for full recovery so that’s one positive for Carbolin 19 over Anavar in my opinion.
I had used Cissus Q for joint issues in the past and always gotten a great anabolic response. Those who have used steroids and in particular D-bol get a sensation to flex even while sitting at your desk (hard to explain). Besides the joint effects Cissus RX has some anabolic properties as it claims.
I am in week 10 of Carbolin 19 and cissus Q and the results are phenomenal for something so natural. To many times the consumer wants 8 lbs in 3 weeks. I honestly attest that to the supplement industries marketing tactics with lavish claims on all products that has brained washed common sense out of the consumer. I have seen it on all the Carbolin 19 threads. They want 10 lbs in 2 weeks, which is not possible.
I want 8 lbs in 10 weeks of solid “real” muscle that will stick around for life. With Carbolin 19 and Cissus, I have gained exactly that in 10 weeks all after finishing a steroid cycle.
I am 18 lbs heavier in 22 weeks and 10 of the 22 weeks where suppose to be for recovery. I gained 8 lbs while feeling healthy and void of chemicals. Have to love that!
I have a degree in nutrition and study this site religiously to increase and experiment with different protocols.
My diet is always in check. I use Surge Pre/post workout and keep a detailed food log to track progress. I understand my physiology. As I age in educations, I am learning to manipulate supplement use to void my life of steroid use.
Give Carbolin 19 a legit shot for 12 weeks with all aspect in check like diet, training and rest. You will be surprised plus Carbolin 19 is really a great anti-depressant.
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