Carb-Ups While Carb Cycling?

Hey guys how are you all?
I have dieted using ketosis for a long long time(8months). I am now 10 - 11 % bodyfat down from 18.
I run one hour a day, wieght lift 4 times a week.
Guys my question is this. I am going to re introduce carbs again slowly and once i am done doing that i am going to carb cycle. MON-No CARB TUE-LOW CARB WED-LOWCARB THUR-NOCARB FRI-LOW CARB SAT- NO CARB.

now this leads to my question. I LOVE CARB REFEEDS. LOVE IT BADDLY, i do them every sunday on keto and i want to do them for life. Can i do that CARB CYCLE above and then incorporate a massive carb up like i used to on the ketone diet and still lose bodyfat???

and one more question, is keto diet safe for a lifetime?? like live to 80 still doing keto(main worry is lack of fruit n veggies) lol?? because that sunday keeps me living and going, it is the deeply rooted motivater that burns my fire. Fat free ice cream, cereals by the boxes, l ol pasta.

Please help me and if you guys can some how construct me a lifestyle diet that can include a sunday carb up at an intense level and stil lose weight. I want a lifestyle diet now but im scared keto will be bad in the long term. Thankyou guys.

You make me unhappy.

i would not do keto diet long term…eat some veg!
it also depends on what your goasl are now, buid? Maintenance? Cut some more!? Zero carb days arenâ??t something I would want to do long term. If you eat un processed carbs, so mostly brown rice, oats and lots of green veg you cannot go far wrong, I wouldnâ??t want to be on low carbs forever, did it for 14 weeks that was enough,

also it sounds like you train to much, but it depends on how hard your training.

You’ve posted this in the BB Forum…PX is probably on the way to your house right now…save yourself while you can.

Seriously…you’re probably not going to get the responses you want here. Repost this in the Beginner’s Forum…or even better…Supplements and Nutrition.

…now go lock your doors and windows.

[quote]madquarker wrote:
You make me unhappy.[/quote]


I’m just posting because I LOL’d at the title of the thread

[quote]tabak1988 wrote:
Hey guys how are you all?
I have dieted using ketosis for a long long time(8months). I am now 10 - 11 % bodyfat down from 18.
I run one hour a day, wieght lift 4 times a week.
Guys my question is this. I am going to re introduce carbs again slowly and once i am done doing that i am going to carb cycle. MON-No CARB TUE-LOW CARB WED-LOWCARB THUR-NOCARB FRI-LOW CARB SAT- NO CARB.

now this leads to my question. I LOVE CARB REFEEDS. LOVE IT BADDLY, i do them every sunday on keto and i want to do them for life. Can i do that CARB CYCLE above and then incorporate a massive carb up like i used to on the ketone diet and still lose bodyfat??? and one more question, is keto diet safe for a lifetime?? like live to 80 still doing keto(main worry is lack of fruit n veggies) lol?? because that sunday keeps me living and going, it is the deeply rooted motivater that burns my fire. Fat free ice cream, cereals by the boxes, l ol pasta. Please help me and if you guys can some how construct me a lifestyle diet that can include a sunday carb up at an intense level and stil lose weight. I want a lifestyle diet now but im scared keto will be bad in the long term. Thankyou guys. [/quote]

Dude, you’re not even carb cycling! You have no and low carb day. What, you think having a low carb day is gonna be much of a difference than a no carb day? Besides, theres no such thing as a no carb day. Most foods have at least trace amounts.

A true carb cycling has high/medium carb days included. In that case you wouldn’t need the refeed!

I bet you that if you posted a pic of yourself, along with all your stats, the last thing you should be worrying about is “carb cycling” or worse yet (MUCH worse) is going on a keto diet :S

[quote]RTJenforcer wrote:
I’m just posting because I LOL’d at the title of the thread[/quote]

OP changed it…didn’t mean to hurt his feelings

Why even bother with the No carb days. I would suggest keeping your carbs between 50-125. 125 on workout days and 50 on non workout days and continue doing your refeeds on Sundays. Seems you are making this really tough on yourself OP. Carbs are not the big bad enemy everyone makes them out to be. Throw a few Carbs into your diet and forget about it. Judging from the amount of work you put in every week, it’s not going to matter anyway.

A keto diet with Sunday carb ups IS a carb-cycling diet. Keep doing it, but throw in a medium carb day on Wednesday and/or other strenuous workout days, and start eating fibrous veggies like cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, etc…

There is absolutely no reason not to eat these foods, even on a keto diet. Ketosis is overrated to begin with, and broccoli will definitely NOT take you out of it anwyway.

thanks for your replies guys. What does OP mean lol?
How does this look?
Mon - Sat
25 grams of Protein with 2 -3 cups fibrous veggies X 6 meals
4 apples throughout the day(preferably before exercise)
2 glasses of milk every day for breakfast(before my big run)
Sunday - refeed
How does that look with regards to health in the longterm?