I’m noticing a small bit of rust on my car, for the most part on the underside and side of my front doors.
What is a good way to treat it? My mechanic’s on vacation so I figured I’d ask here.
SHould I sandpaper it off and spray Rustoleum?
Should I buy another product and use that?
Should I go to Autozone and see what they say?
I need to drive my car a few more years and I plan on taking care of it as well as possible. So I’d rather do a good job and have it last a long time rather than a temporary fix
The proper way to fix (minor surface rust) is to use a grider to remove it, feather edge the surrounding paint with sandpaper (make a smooth transition from paint to bare metal), use a thin coat of plastic body filler to fill the depression, sand smooth with a block and sandpaper (start at 120 grit, then 220), spray a primer sealer over that, wetsand with 400 then 600, then paint. If your car has a base clear paint then it is going to look shitty unless you paint the whole panel. Sanding the rust will usually not be enough. It will be back in no time. If the rust can not be easily removed by grinding then it would need to be cut out and a replacement panel welded in.
Wow…thanks for the info turbogti.
A bit more complicated than I thought!
Depending if the rust is from the inside or from the suface will make a huge difference of how to repair it. Push on it with a pocket knife or something to see if it’s soft and you can push through. Also, pinch the bottom edge flange of your door with two fingers and run your pinched fingers from front to back. If it’s swelled anywhere or your knife gos through then you need to replace that section with new metal. If it’s still fairly solid then you may be able to sand or grind it off but you have to get ALL the rust off. It may require sandblasting to clean it well. Then you need to fill any imperfections and feather the paint. Spray on an etch primer, then a quality primer surfacer. Then sand and refinish.
Also…ask a bodyman,not a mechanic
Hope this will help…