Although I would say the suggested workout is too much, I must agree that the higher the reps, or the longer the inroading, serves to stimulate more muscle growth.
Here is something to try.
Walk to the farmer’s market and load up on the food in sacks with handles. Even the load left and right then walk home with flexed delts. A 5 minute walk should be enough. Let the pain increase and get so bad you can’t take it. If you keep walking with the load, even with it slack at your sides, you’ll find that the stimulation of that length of time and difficulty gets better results than your lifting in the gym.
Of course, you can try to duplicate that in the gym with doing those reps to 50 or extending the time of inroading to 2 to 5 minutes, but you’ll find that it’s the intensity and length of time kept on the muscle that stimulates growth more than a heavy lift.