alright thanks guys. i fell asleep at like what. 5? lol.
ok, ill try to 1) make sure lights are all off and make it as dark as possible
2) sleep at a regular time and not at 12 or 1am.
3) maybe ill get a pair of ear plugs. the doors are paper thin and whenever my sis comes out of the room i can hear it loud and clear. ( but doesnt this mean you can’t sleep on your side?)
not sure i wanna try any sleeping drugs. its just an on and off thing and i don’t think its that necessary. and its only just recent.
and i dont think its stress, cause SCHOOLS OVER. and has been for a long times. haha.
and i used to be able to like shut off my mind and slowly drift to sleep. but recently its become harder. so maybe i AM stressed. damn girl problems.
[quote]dollarbill44 wrote:
Can’t believe no one has recommended sex. If you can’t get any, try sending out the troops, fleecing the ram, buffing the bishop, waxing the carrot, ironing out some wrinkles, etc.
[quote]Vegita wrote:
Sorry that was a weak response. Some of the regular things you can do is avoid caffine up to 6 hours before bed. Excercise in the AM if possible not in the PM. Some people skip carbs at dinner. Carbs can make you sleepy so maybe a little could be beneficial, especially if it’s adding a couple hours of sleep for you at night.
Also turn the TV off or turn it on something boring. History channel, science channel, anything that you have a litle interest in, but you aren’t going to be engrossed with. I usually do this and fall asleep during the first commercial break. Set your TV timer to 30 minutes or 45 minutes so it shuts off automatically.
If you are sensitive to that kind of thing you have to shut the tv off entirely. Commercials alone are designed to be so attention grabbing and arousing that your brain really needs a long period to decompress from that sort of thing. The same thing goes for your computer and the internet.
I keep a big thick educational boring book next to my bed. I learn and conk out at the same time. Much better than TV
Anti-histimines make you drowsy and probably harmless.
Also agree with the black out your room thing. No light even coming under your door from the hall. Cover electronic displays etc.
A great way to relieve stress is meditation or listening to a guided meditation video on Youtube. The one I found is 10 mins long and really relaxing. As a bonus, the more often you meditate the quicker you will be able to clear your mind and calm yourself, so it can be useful at other times also.
[quote]Kerley wrote:
id advise you to work up the dose of ZMA and find out what works for you, i tried what the label said and couldn’t wake up the next morning.[/quote]
ZMA worked great for me the first couple of nights, now I find it doesn’t help…not knocking the product, just saying I’m awake at 12:15 after 4 ZMAs at 11:20…
No electronics an hour before bed, NONE. Lighting should be very dim, and possibly relaxed stretching and/or reading a book before bed to quiet the mind. This is hard for most people to do, but the reward of doing it is better rem sleep.
Only supplement i can recommend is magnesium aspartate. Doesn’t even have to be zma. I generally do 250-500 at night(i take the 500 on intense training days), and that helps put me to sleep along with the above routine.
[quote]Kerley wrote:
id advise you to work up the dose of ZMA and find out what works for you, i tried what the label said and couldn’t wake up the next morning.[/quote]
Noise is a big factor. You can shut your eyes, but not your ears. Even when we are asleep our brain registers noise. A good set of ear plugs will not bother you when you sleep on your side.
In the beginning it can give some discomfort due to the fact that you “hear” yourself breathing, but tbh I find that relaxing.
haha ok. ill go find a good pair! and also i realised my blinds are those that are slanted? so it still lets light through. and i live in a flat so there are like street lights etc. so the lighting may be a factor too.
I have worked night shift for over 30 yrs and what I do is just let it take you where it wants to go.
Don’t take all the shit and supps, just let your body relax and eventually you will fall asleep.One of the other members mentioned the fact that stress causes insomnia,well it is the worst cause of lack of sleep in the world. Just the fact that you are stressed and admit that you are losing sleep can change you for the better. The reason for my statement above is that I went without more than 2 hours a day for over 6 months and I thought I was going nuts. I had to finally tell myself that it was a matter of letting it take me where I had to go before it got better. pills, booze, self help, nothing worked better than acceptance.