[quote]Davel50 wrote:
The reason that rest is so important for your whole body is: your muscle’s if tired will tell your brain we are tired! if your brain is tired it will make you tired? wrong! you have to physically go to bed and rest, and sleep, think of it this way, if your tired and carry on awake will there be tell tale signs that you have when your tired and should be asleep? Mood altering, Stressed, lethargic, etc. It is the same when you incur an injury, a sprain, a tear or torn muscle, if you have a routine sleep pattern your recovery will be much better, which will allow you to do more heavy sets as your body will recognize the need and produce what you need in order to deal with the extra workload you want it to attain.
this is true, but at this point i feel it’s just programming.
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
[quote]PLslay wrote:
[quote]usmccds423 wrote:
Do you dead stop or touch and go your DL reps? [/quote]
dead stops.
I know some of the stronger DLers on here advocate touch and go. Hopefully they will chime in. [/quote]
i always done dead stops dude to the fact that i can get stronger breaking the weight off the floor, touch and go will allow me to do more, but i never really liked it. something to take in consideration .
[quote]N.K. wrote:
I am horrible at doing deadlifts for reps. I literally never do them heavy, because I have always been bad at them AND I never saw good carryover to my 1rm, which as a powerlifter is what I really care about.
I just focus on my squats, and do really light touch and go deadlifts/deadlift variations to try and build up my glutes/lower back/hamstrings with a lot of time under tension with lighter weights.
I’m not a great deadliter at all, but I do suck at reps, and when I embraced the fact that rep dl didn’t seem to carry over much to my 1rm, I started getting a lot stronger.
To give you an idea what I am talking about - the heaviest dl reps I have ever done in my life is 405 x 3. Two weeks after that I did a max pull after max squatting and benching and pulled 505. [/quote]
this is pretty much were i am getting at, it seems you did accessory work and came back to pull a PR(which is a huge jump in your case lol). tbh this kind of brings up the case if you need to deadlift more to be a better deadlifter. just like you i could just do other variation of the deadlift (stiffs/defecits) and pause squats and could probably pull a PR in 4-6 weeks. Hopefully other lifters can chime in.