[i]Tiny solitary cells under constant illumination, a mere 20 minutes of fresh air daily, and beatings at the hands of guards are indicative of the “torture” endured by some of the 17 people accused of plotting terrorist attacks in Canada, lawyers for the group said Monday.
The allegations of “cruel and unusual punishment” came as the court imposed a blanket publication ban on the legal proceedings, preventing the public from learning of any further evidence in a case of stunning allegations that has captured headlines around the world.[/i]
But perhaps we shouldn’t give countenance to every accusation by defense-lawyer types – or maybe we need a more stringent definition of torture?
Another thing that surprised me … a “here’s the door” option:
Day defends deportation of security threats
Tue, June 13, 2006
OTTAWA – Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day says there’s an easy way for foreign-born terror suspects to avoid spending years in jail in Canada – just agree to go back where they came from.
In a spirited defence of federal deportation policy, Day said yesterday Ottawa would be happy if anyone deemed a security threat would leave Canada voluntarily.
“If they say no and they want to stay, they can start an appeal process that usually takes a few years,” Day said outside the Commons.
“We can’t allow a person who has been deemed a significant security threat to be free. So they are put in detention while the appeal process runs its course. At any time they can . . . walk out and return to their country of origin.”
Critics say voluntary departure isn’t a realistic option for people who have often fled to Canada because they feared torture in their homelands due to their political beliefs. Day was unmoved by that argument.
“They may or they may not (face torture),” he said. “There are times people claim refugee status and in fact, on investigation, they’re not granted refugee status.”
The comments came on the eve of a landmark challenge, due to start today, in which the Supreme Court of Canada is being asked to overturn the so-called security certificates used by the federal government to deport non-citizens accused of terrorist ties.
Five men are currently targeted by such certificates, based on allegations they’re linked to the al-Qaida network.
The deportation issue is a non-issue. These aren’t people that are known criminals, they are arriving at the border and are being denied entry. If I’m reading it wrong, just let me know.
As for beatings, if they are occurring, they shouldn’t be. I wouldn’t put it past the people who are drawn to the uniform, in any country, to get a bit prejudicial on perps at times.