I was just wondering… How do most of the Canadians on the boards get their Biotest Supps? Do you order from the major Canadian mail order houses or do you buy from Biotest?
Also, what do i multiply it by to get the Canadian money and how much is shipping?
[quote]anchilor wrote:
Do you order from the major Canadian mail order houses or do you buy from Biotest?
It depends. If you plan on ordering a bulk supply (i.e. a months worth), ordering directly from Biotest comes out cheaper.
[quote]Rookie21 wrote:
Also, what do i multiply it by to get the Canadian money and how much is shipping?[/quote]
youre kidding right?
Shipping is approx. 50 bucks USD to Ontario.
…thats brutally sick…how do ppl from canada get supplements then lol
I used to order Biotest supplements online from a company out east and got stiffed a couple of hundred dollars. I just order from Biotest directly since I’ve always received my order no matter what. BIOTEST ALWAYS DELIVERS.
When you take into account the exchange rate and the shipping cost, you can come out ahead. Just don’t order 1 container though. You have to make it worth your while so order 3 or 4.
[quote]thighlord wrote:
I used to order Biotest supplements online from a company out east and got stiffed a couple of hundred dollars. I just order from Biotest directly since I’ve always received my order no matter what. BIOTEST ALWAYS DELIVERS.
When you take into account the exchange rate and the shipping cost, you can come out ahead. Just don’t order 1 container though. You have to make it worth your while so order 3 or 4. [/quote]
Let me guess? You got ripped off by Heavyweights based out of Newfoundland and owned by Rob King. Many people have been ripped off by him. There are several threads on various boards about Canadians being ripped off by him.
[quote]AAA wrote:
Let me guess? You got ripped off by Heavyweights based out of Newfoundland and owned by Rob King. Many people have been ripped off by him. There are several threads on various boards about Canadians being ripped off by him. [/quote]
That’s the one!
Never had an issue with Biotest Direct. I usually get my order within 3 days. Shiiping is reasonable and I come out way ahead as opposed to buying it from a neighbourhood discounter. For example they sell ZMA for 34.95. I am paying $9 even with exchange and shipping it is a joke. I am greatful for this site.
If anyone lives in winnipeg and wants to split an order shoot me a pm.
^Similarly if anyone lives in or near Halifax and wants to spilt an order PM me.
Same here. If anyone from Montreal (Lasalle) wants to split an order, you can PM me.
Anyone in the Toronto area want to split an order?