Can you tell me what u think of my 6 day split routine. I’ll tell u my stats first i am 5’10 i weigh 145 lbs. 16 years old and can bench 190 lbs. Here is my schedule can u revise it for me since its my first one i had made up.
day 1- chest, back, abs
day 2- shoulders, arms, abs
day 3- forearms, abs
day 4- chest, back, abs
day 5- shoulders, arms, abs
day 6- forearms, abs
day 7- rest
Day 1
8 reps of each exercise
Full recovery for each set
Bench press
Pec dec flyes
Incline bench
Lat machine pulldown
Seated pulley rowing
Bent rowing
Good mornings
Normal pull ups
Wide pull ups
Inside grip pull ups
Chin ups
Leg raise
Crunches weighted
Knee ups
Side bends
Bench leg raises
Day 2
8 reps of each exercise
Full recovery
Military Press
Upright rowing
Shrugs- light weight genetically week shoulders
Press behind Neck
Lat machine pushdown
Tricep extensions
Straight bar curls
Dumbell curl
2 other tricep exercises dont know what their called
Leg raise
Crunches weighted
Knee ups
Side bends
Bench leg raises
day 3
8 reps
Full recovery
Concentration curls
Wrist curls
Reverse curls
Leg raise
Crunches weighted
Knee ups
Side bends
Bench leg raises
Day 4 is the same as day 1
Day 5 is the same as day 2
Day 6 is the same as day 3
day 7 is a rest day
I’m going to do this workout for 6 weeks and then move on to explosive lifting and when u do the same routine for more then 6 weeks your body adapts.
i’ve been lifting for a year an a half and want to get better gains
thanks for reading it
plz respond