Sorry if this is a dumb question. Can steroids be used to change an adult male’s voice? We’ve all heard of females developing masculine voices after using steroids- can this occur in males also? Or is it one of those things that you have to get during the window of peuberty?
don’t guys get a girlish voice ? i dunno if thats a myth but I’ve heard it many times.
I also heard that pink, fuzzy dinosaurs dressed as Kenny Rogers grow out the backside of your knees, and your ear lobes pick up XM radio. Can anyone confirm? [y/n]
answer to above is ‘y’
also you grow hair on your palms, yer dick shrinks and you become an uncontrollable roid raging hulk.
And you don’t even need to lift weights to get hyooge.
Steroids are artificial stuff you inject into a muscle which pumps them up like air into a tyre. A few injections is all it takes for the muscles to swell up. But once you stop taking them, they will deflate and you’ll be impotent with a bald head, tits, a high voice and shrunken penis.
be careful or your arm could also explode from injecting too much steroids!
and once they’re in there they spread around the tissues like cancer.
I honestly can’t tell whether it was really that bad of a question or you guys are just having fun with it.
[quote]belligerent wrote:
I honestly can’t tell whether it was really that bad of a question or you guys are just having fun with it.[/quote]
It wasn’t that bad a question…given the questions I see on here, yours doesn’t even come close to bad. I’m hoping they’re just having fun with it.
Wish I could give you an answer…
[quote]belligerent wrote:
I honestly can’t tell whether it was really that bad of a question or you guys are just having fun with it.[/quote]
Well I’m just sayin’, be careful or your arm will 'splode!
To give an honest answer, since steroids are androgenic and have virilizing effects, it does seem possible. But as you said before, it only would work during a certain time window.
I found a post on another site that says this:
[i]"That depends. Mainly with respect to age. The first thing that you have to realize, is that testosterone, in pharmaceutical preparations, are ANABOLIC/ANDROGENIC steroids. Anabolic refers to the chemicals properties regarding protein synthesis. The androgenic properties, are those that relate to deepening of the voice, hair growth, penis size etc.
If you are over 25(the underground accepted age for steroid use) chances are, you have as deep of a voice, as much hair, and as big of a penis as you will ever have. …And as with all research,studies,and theories; I am sure there are a few cases where there has been deepening of a males voice. But it is not the norm. " [/i]
I can say for myself, I started using AAS at 28 and it had no effect on the pitch of my voice at all.
[quote]JohnnyBlaze wrote:
I can say for myself, I started using AAS at 28 and it had no effect on the pitch of my voice at all.[/quote]
No effect on my voice starting at 31, either, but I have almost certainly experienced an increase in body hair.
[quote]Cortes wrote:
… but I have almost certainly experienced an increase in body hair.[/quote]
[quote]JohnnyBlaze wrote:
answer to above is ‘y’
also you grow hair on your palms, yer dick shrinks and you become an uncontrollable roid raging hulk.
And you don’t even need to lift weights to get hyooge.
Steroids are artificial stuff you inject into a muscle which pumps them up like air into a tyre. A few injections is all it takes for the muscles to swell up. But once you stop taking them, they will deflate and you’ll be impotent with a bald head, tits, a high voice and shrunken penis.
be careful or your arm could also explode from injecting too much steroids!
and once they’re in there they spread around the tissues like cancer. [/quote]
Thought this deserved a replay.
Though the voices of female using bodybuilders are usually quite scary and weird.
[quote]Whoa! wrote:
Cortes wrote:
… but I have almost certainly experienced an increase in body hair.
Just good ole test.
I haven’t turned into a gorilla, but I don’t think it’s a misperception on my part. I’ve become fluffier.
I had honestly predicted that my comments would come off as the simple humor they were. But to answer the OP’s question, those specific changes seem to only appear in women, as the androgenic and virilizing effects are much, much more prominent. For any normal post-pubescent male, however, that specific attribute seems to be independent of AAS use for the most part.
Although as Cortes mentioned, several other side-effects are seen, as I also become a bit fuzzier in certain areas.
[quote]Contrl wrote:
I had honestly predicted that my comments would come off as the simple humor they were. But to answer the OP’s question, those specific changes seem to only appear in women, as the androgenic and virilizing effects are much, much more prominent. For any normal post-pubescent male, however, that specific attribute seems to be independent of AAS use for the most part.
Although as Cortes mentioned, several other side-effects are seen, as I also become a bit fuzzier in certain areas.[/quote]
I hate having this scarlet letter.
To the o/p, havent really got time to go into this in detail now, but verilisation in women and androgenic traits in men from aas use are both SHBG related, because a mans main hormone is test, a high percentage of this is shbg - therefore the appearance of more hair is common, post puberty, vocal chords are heavily set in males and would take one hell of a long term high dose of androgens with affinity to shbg to change this, as has already been stated by contrl,
‘specific changes seem to only appear in women, as the androgenic and virilizing effects are much, much more prominent’
this is because the testosterone part of a woman shbg is very low, so androgens will make a difference quickly, a reason why many women BB’s use low androgen steroids such as winstrol or turanabol.
If you want to know more, research SHBG and free test affinity on google.
hope this helps,
19 posts were split to a new topic: Deeper Voice on Test