i am 35
205 pounds
lifting heavy for 5 years
my current cycle is 500 test cyp and 500 test susp twice a week.i am on 6-7 week of my cycle.
the susp is for a booster pre work out deal.
my question is is it ok to add and drop differant compunds during you’re cycle.
is it posable to keep the test cyp and add decca and sust.i have armidex on hand.
my pct is nolva and clomid.
Are you really doing 500 mg test suspension pre-workout or is that a typo?
Also, Occam’s Razor applies here. The simplest solution is usually best.
Adding deca this late in the cycle you probably won’t start getting much out of it before the cycle ends or is almost over. Just save it for the future
you can add orals if you wanted to
anyone else have any input on this subject?
[quote]maddogmike333 wrote:
anyone else have any input on this subject?[/quote]
Yes. Listen to the others and forget about adding deca, particularly at this point in time. And if you’re running cyp (and suspension) I can’t envision any reason to swap in sust.
keep the cycle rollin bro, start the dec at 600mg a week and kick your test up to atleast 750 a week and youll keep on packin on!!!
[quote]andy33tx wrote:
keep the cycle rollin bro, start the dec at 600mg a week and kick your test up to atleast 750 a week and youll keep on packin on!!!
go away
homebrew your gear, throw away your armidex, estrogen and water= strength… go old school and get big…
and yes ad the dec increase your cyp and keep it going… come on bonez you know im right
[quote]andy33tx wrote:
homebrew your gear, throw away your armidex, estrogen and water= strength… go old school and get big…
and yes ad the dec increase your cyp and keep it going… come on bonez you know im right[/quote]
You are an utterly pathetic troll. If you are going to waste your life derailing threads on an internet forum, could you at least bother to do it with some degree of proficiency. I would be embarrassed if this was the best I could up with, you are a complete failure.
no irrational gaze, actually I stand behind what I said… and I respect everyone that has questions as often I do. However, I have spent many years learning on my own, before web was even a dream, and yes if you ad dec to your cycle you will see results, if you prolong your cycle you will continue to see gains and often that requires an increase in dose to see the same gains. I can find any answer I want on the internet, winstrol burns fat, no actually in doesn’t, it prevents muscle loss while you cut your caloric intake. I can go on and on and on. Furthermore yes the fact of the matter is the more test you take, with a equally impressive diet, your results will be much more prevalent. If I derailed the forum by giving my opinion and thats what people think, I apologize. your the only one post, that had nothing to do with the original thread. hey star gazer, start a new thread we will call it a test of proficiency and I will test my knowledge against yours and vise a versa. It’ll be fun… speaking of fun, I was answering the question in a fun way that got to the point. Bonz is smart and knowledgable and I respect him very much, but every juicehead knows a few that can dose for a year with little side effects and huge gains. sorry gazer that you are one of the 10% that got bitch tits on your first cycle, and I am sorry that your single and cant keep a woman. oh yeah and sorry that your rational personality has overcome your common sense. Going to dinner and out with my incredible and beautiful wife, I will look for your new thread tommorrow so we can play your proficiency game.
Hey look, a forum where people are giving serious advice. OH… (backs out slowly and goes back to SAMA)
well it took an interesting turn!