Can I Get Good Results from 300mg of Test a Week?

So what exactly is your point, what value are you bringing to this conversation?

People can get desires results with less than 300.

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Numbers are meaningless without the context of how a patient feels. If you aren’t responsive to how the patient is experiencing treatment then reading numbers is not much different than Greek high priests reading bird entrails.

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That is true.

I meant less than 300 mg, considering the title of the thread, obviously.

Do you have partial AIS by any chance. Hence why you require such a high level of T to feel normal

Nah, cardiovascular complications for T will be the same as any other AAS with regard to potential for cardiac enlargement. If it binds to AR in cardiac myocytes, it’ll enlarge them if the dose is high enough. Now whether this enlargement is serious enough to worry about (dose dependent, obviously 10,000mg test weekly will fuck you in the long run) is another story. I’d say it has detrimental effects on the function and structure of cardiac muscle tissue.

If you have AIS however, that isn’t something you need worry about unless you’re on like 10,000mg wk test lol

I honestly have no clue and will look into this… I was thinking at this point rhabdomyolysis would be a possibility too.

Edit: Doesn’t sound like it at all. The only “womanly” trait that I had pre-TRT (mostly pre-primo) was no hair growth on chest and abdomen. Thickening on upper back and outer shoulders has happened too. Also, prepubescent gyno in my left nipple that isn’t visible, but can be felt (smaller than pea, like a small bead).

Well… as a teenager did you ever notice an absence or only partial development of secondary sexual characteristics?

People with partial AIS typically do go through puberty, but the genitalia may be under masculinized, and other secondary secondary characteristics such as body hair, shoulder broadening may only partially or fully develop, depends on the severity.

My endo supposedly has a patient who needs his TT at 3500ng/dl. + To feel normal, he has partial AIS. Poor bastard, can’t imagine the amount of cash he has to dole out on test each week

As the androgen receptors in someone with this condition are under stimulated (due to various mutations in AR genes) a higher dose of androgen is required to stimulate the androgen receptors to produce the effects a male would otherwise achieve with normal physiology.

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This somewhat describes me to a T, no pun intended. Is there a test for this? I can’t recall much of anything that could account for partial AIS without gymming it up and being surpassed by everyone else (starting at like 65lbs bench and ending high school at 135 when this was a number achieved by most in 9th grade my size, relatively the same diet).

Genetic testing and HCG stimulation test are generally the go-to for diagnosing partial AIS. it should be noted there are different grades of severity regarding this condition. I could illustrate to you the varying degrees by showing pics but i’d almost certainly get kicked off the forum for posting a bunch of penises.

On a side note, my bench press, squat and dl are all weak as shit. I hope to hit 240 on the bench by the time I graduate, 330 on the squat and 450 on the DL.

Given that I almost never squat in favour for leg pressing, hack squats and isolation movements I can’t see the squat going up, furthermore I don’t usually bench, but can hit around 230, for DL it’s also weak as piss, only recently starting incorporating them, approaching 405 now, haven’t tried it yet but will probably successfully lift said weight, I don’t train for strength and I do have chronic pain, but there’s really no excuse for how terrible my lifts are. I weigh 156, should be able to lift heavier weights… I’m also under 5’5, hence why I’m so light

Just got over the flu so I’m now weaker than ever before. Given that I’m trying to lean out ATM I can’t see my deadlift goal being achieved

You sound pretty educated in this. I wasn’t able to hit 225 on bench for reps until I hopped on TRT.

I’m going to see a real endo and see if this testing is possible, cause if it is and I do have partial AIS, you just saved me like $60/mo (I get 1g per month/1x weekly for $30 since it’s covered, but the other 250mg isn’t, hence $60).

Do you know how old Unreal is? If I am not mistaken, I believe he is 17 or 18. This kid had better become a legit Gear Dr, or he has done himself and all of us a disservice. This guy has probably forgotten more info about gear than I even will know or understand.

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I’m 18 sir

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