Stats: 30 years old, 6’2, 190 lbs, 10-12% body fat, been training for almost 4 years.
Goals: Gain as much muscle as possible while either maintaining my body fat % or increasing it by only 1 or 2 % maximum.
Cycle: 500 mg test/week for 16 weeks, will run 0.25 mg Arimidex E3D if I start to experience high E2 sides.
My goal is about diet. I want to know how much I can push my calories surplus (remember what my goals are), and I want to know when I should start this surplus? I am currently eating at maintenance. I know that test levels will not reach their highest until about 5 weeks in, so I am thinking I will start with a small surplus of about 100 calories in the first week then each week increase it by an extra 100 calories until I am at a 500 calorie surplus. From then on, I will keep increasing cals according to my weight gain to try and maintain a 500 calorie surplus.
Please provide criticism. Thank you.