Hey gang, what’s new in here? (I got word that I was being “discussed.”)
[quote]Septimum wrote:
I know there was one where Chris Colucci called him out, but I can’t seem to find it/remember what it was called.[/quote]
There were two threads where I did “call him out” for simply giving crap advice. Both times, he immediately went back and edit/deleted his posts in question and said his roommate logged onto his account trying to cause trouble. This was shortly before his history of trolling other sites was exposed.
There was also another thread where he talked about going from 130 pounds to 180, at a height of 6’0". but that seems to have been deleted as well.
[quote]jasmincar wrote:
Chris Colucci should be called out. He is all over the place telling everyone they are wrong but he doesnt even look like he lift. For me he is no more than an internet smart-ass.[/quote]
Luckily, I was enough of a smart-ass to have been the only person to really offer you advice when you asked a few years ago.
I couldn’t find any direct interactions we’ve had more recently, so I seriously don’t know where you’re coming from.
As far as looking like I lift, A - I haven’t trained for physique goals since I-can’t-remember-when. B - That 110-pound dumbbell in my avatar didn’t levitate into that position. And C - I just compared my current pic to yours, and it didn’t really turn out so well, seeing as how you have none. Nice try though.
[quote]Derek542 wrote:
Okay Canuck where is your article for TNation?[/quote]
Not to nit-pick, but it’s articles. That piece on symmetry was lucky number 13.