From somone who follows the market, and has for years, like some follow the ball scores:
A very intelligent black dude was on CNBC market report last week with an interesting Clinton v. Bush comparison on economic performance. Note: I only mentioned his ethnic makeup to demonstrate that not all AAs are Bush haters:
Bush inherited an ecomomy cleared headed for recession. The NASDAQ in particular fell ~50% during Clinton’s last year in office. If anyody doubts this, it’s very easy to demonstrate. Check back and I’ll walk you through the process.
Clinton never faced such things as a hugely falling market and 9/11.
The main cause of debt was an astounding fall in tax revenues from a declining economy and 9/11 during his first year. Bush would have faced this problem no matter what he did.
The Bush tax cuts softened the landing and permitted us to recover faster than normal. We now are experiencing all time highs in the markets and a tremendous upsurge in tax $ revenues.
Look up the tax revenues question for yourself: Google - historic $ US tax revenues and read to your delight. The “tax cuts for the rich” rhetoric is mainly an emotional political issue for the naive or misinformed or hypocrite “limousine liberals”.
There are two things that Bush has done very right IMO. Handling of the economy and supreme court appointees. And yes, I have some problems with Bush (namely letting our foreign policy be dictated by some Israeli double-agents).
But he has done a great job with the economy and supreme court. And hopefully he will veto that bullshit piece of hate-crime legislation making its way through Congress.