Bulking How Its Done

[quote]Ripsaw3689 wrote:

[quote]Bauber wrote:

[quote]jeanmich wrote:

[quote]Bauber wrote:

[quote]MassiveGuns wrote:

[quote]Smashingweights wrote:

[quote]flch95 wrote:

[quote]myself1992 wrote:
Hunger, when you’re primed for growth you’ll be hungrier. Your ody is smart and knows what it needs you just have to listen to it. If you eat more calories than what your body needs to put on muscle you’ll just get fat like stu said[/quote]
So what about me whose body is never hungry? :frowning: :([/quote]
You’re not primed for growth and are doomed to he small forever.

Just smoke some weed.

Food for thought on first cycles.

Doesn’t mention if PCT was done or how much was kept post cycle. The average gain was about 15lbs of fat free mass. Doesn’t say much about diet either.[/quote]

I just started back on 7 days ago and previous to that had been off all gear for 3 months. I never really notice a huge size or strength decrease. I may lose some reps, but my strength stays relatively the same. I do feel like I get a little softer, but to the extent of such could be in my head mostly.

And if I ate whenever I was hungry I would be 500 pounds of lard haha.

I need to get my hands on some Test make me some gains. Seeing your Avi and other pics of you in certain threads just gets me thinking ‘‘If I could be 1/4 as big as Bauber, mannn would I look swole!’’[/quote]

Oh come on guys, I am not THAT big.

Test will definitely put some quality meat on you granted you eat enough and have everything else in line.

How many calories do you typically take in? And how tall are you? I’m too lazy to go look for you RMP thread. [/quote]

I am 5’11. I take in around 4800-5500 calories roughly sometimes less. I don’t have an issue keeping or gaining weight usually.

RMP thread for ease

Training log where I have days of training and my meals for the day.