Bulking Cycle Tips

45, 195lbs
Trying to get back 220 as I get older it’s harder & harder to hit this weight but gonna try…
In past I’ve done npp cycles & test cycles for bulking. Never done sust b4 so thought I could try it & shock my body…

Thinking this…
Npp .5ml M-W-F 12 weeks
Sust 270 1ml M-W-F 12weeks
Tbol 50mg first 2 weeks
Anastrozle 1mg 2x week
Caber .25 2x week
Hcg 2x week

Too much ?

That was my best weight 3 years ago… just couldn’t hold it for whatever reason not sure… Father time + injuries I guess

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You need to give your dosages in mg not ml. Can you clarify your weekly dosage of each injectable?

Have you been running gear the past three years? If you’re 195lbw enhanced already I’m not sure I see 25lbs of weight gain unless you’re willing to get fluffy.


I’ve been doing cycles since I was 36
Cruising on 200-250mg test cyp when not cycling

This is bassically my first bulking cycle since I was 40

I’ve done npp before I think I ran it .5 mwf with 200mg test cyp mwf…had good results so plan was basically this…

270mg /1ml sustanon mwf
50mg npp mwf
12 weeks

Kickstarter 50mg tbol first 2 weeks

I understand I’ll get fluffy it’s winter so no biggie
Bassically just going back to old lifestyle bulk cycle winter
Cut cycle spring
Cruise the other months

As to why no bulking cycle last few years…I don’t know combination of work, Rona hysteria, injury

My biggest fear is that it’s way too much sust per week don’t wanna have a heart attack but at same time I’ve done 500-600 test cycles so many times I feel I need to really push past it to get some dramatic results

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There is no difference between sustanon and test. It’s test just with different esters attached.

You can pin the sus twice a week and why would you wanna use NPP for 12 weeks? It has a short half life and you should be pinning it every other day. Why not just use Deca?
As for the AI and the caber, do you you know you will need an AI? 1mg of Anastrozole 2x per week is a lot IMO. What are you basing needing this dose from? I also wouldn’t just start taking caber for no reason.

Why are you choosing Sustanon instead of Cypionate or Enanthate?

not a thing.

this is as needed only, as little as possible. not as a preventative. unless you want heart valve problems.

save it for the end. to bust through a plateau.

how will you eat and train for this? this is more important than drugs.

Just wanted to try the blend… used test cyp, eth, prop plenty so just wanted to see how sust feels

Thanks… I always just ran a lil caber in past on tren A cycles & last npp cycle… had no sides so figured I’d do same… technically yes your anastrozle, hcg, caber can just be run as you feel it needed. I’ll still run a lil as preventative tho.

Training & diet will be good. I’m experienced enough on that. Hard parts just cramming down enough protein consistently.

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I ran 200mg test cyp 3x week & npp .50 mg 3x week on last cycle so thought pump up to 270 sust… but that was probably 2-3yrs ago

Let us know what you feel about using Sustanon.

Are you aware that the intent of Sustanon is to use 4 different esters with 4 different half-lives, so that the patient can pin less often.

I would prefer to stick with a single ester and pin more often. You can choose the dose and frequency.

Yes… I like all the esters & have used them all separately. Most times use lots of test prop… But yea I get that it’s a blend. Hence was gonna run tbol kick starter.
Thinking a better way to run cycle would be
Sust M-W-F at .75 ml = 200mg of the blend total 600 per week. Than 1ml npp = 100mg so 300 total per week…
Was thinking 810 mg per week sust is kinda over kill… 600 sust & 300 npp over 12 weeks should get the job done. Than just monitor how it feels & dose the anastrozle, caber, & hcg as needed

Think everyone on the net might be overblowing the use of caber and it’s valve damage potential?

I’m not denying but everyone is saying caber will cause valve damage like test will increase estrogen, doesn’t sound that easy to me to give yourself valve damage even if you take 20 mg of caber for a few years time.

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I get it. we all draw our own lines about risk. I’ll use cardarine, for example, some won’t.

You are not wrong to do the damage you need to take 2mg per day for an extended period of time I read.

0.25 mg of caber twice each week is a long way from that.

would you use it as a preventative? or as needed? which is the only point I was making.

I didn’t say don’t, I said if needed.


Just my $0.02 but using a small dose of caber during npp or tren cycles to prevent noodle dick isn’t a bad thing. Your talking about 8-12 weeks tops. Then depending on how much you juice or compounds you use might not use caber for another year or so. So really 8-12 weeks once per year at .25 1 or 2x per week I don’t think is that horrible. I’d be more concerned with other long term sides from juicing like heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure

Besides how many threads do we read about limp :eggplant: where dudes are super depressed. I’d say it’s worth preventing

I think most guys have previously advocated for p5p instead of caber. I’ve taken it with both 19-nor compounds, very few sexual sides.