getting ready to start my 2nd cycle. My first was 14weeks of cyp/equipose and was i ever impressed with the results.
This run through i have 100amps of sust250, deca,equipose and few bottles of cyp and enanathate. Was planning on going with the sust. Any suggestions as to what i should run with it?
any feedback would be greatly appreciated
Need a lot more info… What dosages was your first cycle? What is your current weight? What do you want out of this cycle? Do you have any AIs or Serms? What is your plan for PCT?
first cycle was 750mg cyp and 250mg equipose wk. I am currently 195 with approx 7%bf. Looking for a good bulking cycle mostly. I gained 20lbs off the first cycle and held on to about 17lbs of it and was really happly with the test in general. No gyno problems and yes i have anostozle and hcg for PCT.
The HCG should be ran during the cycle to prevent testicular atrophy. I would also suggest you get some nolv to run with PCT. As far as the gear, I would stick to 750mg/week test but add in 400-600mg/week of deca. If possible get some dbol for the first six weeks as a kick start. The test/deca/dbol stack is an excellent mass builder. I would run it for 12 weeks.
Not a fan of sust myself but if you already got it you got it. 2thepain is precisely correct. About Test,Dbol and Deca being what I call the trifecta. I’m a bit confused about what you already have in hand from your first post.
Thanks for the advice, also from washington BTW As for what i have on hand, 100 amps of sust, 5 10ml bottles of cyp, 6 10ml of enanathate, 3 10ml deca and 3 10ml equipose.
I dont really want to order more right now to start this cycle because its $900 minimum order so im just gona run with what ive got.I would rather not use the sust if its not going to give me the results im looking for but i guess time will tell.
I have heard from some people that sust cycle’s work well but there experience with test is somewhat limited as is my own.
im a new guy need help with this
i have been training for 15 months building muscle started out at 155 now at 180 cant get passed it have changed my routines changed eating habbits even did a sust 250(1cc per week) cycle and gained nothing strength nor size (bad shit maybe or not enough) want to do a nother cycle already have dbol would like to get to 190 lean muscle though so what should i take wit hthe dbol ?
You should take an education and some research for that.
and not hijack someone else’s thread.