going through my first cycle of Tren acetate, bulking is going good, started 186, now 215, only 40 days in. for another 30, then taper off. need advice on cutting cycle, need to get to 10% body fat from 16%. im 6.4, lean, hard gainer. any help apperciated.
[quote]T-Beast wrote:
going through my first cycle of Tren acetate, bulking is going good, started 186, now 215, only 40 days in. for another 30, then taper off. need advice on cutting cycle, need to get to 10% body fat from 16%. im 6.4, lean, hard gainer. any help apperciated.[/quote]
how long have you been lifting? try the steroid forum.
you need to stay eating big for at least as long after your cycle, as you were on cycle for.
Going straight into a cutting phase isnt the best idea imo. You will find your newly aquired and hard earned gains will dissapear quite quickly if you calorie deficit after a cycle.
At 16%bf i wouldnt reccomend a drug based approach to losing fat.
Not until your at least down to 10% i wouldnt reccomend any drugs. At most an e/c/a stack, average metabolic increase of around 3% if memory serves.
Remeember, what you put in your mouth accounts for 90% of building your body.
Review your diet.
Research carb cycling, anabolic diet.
Supplements such as HOT-ROX, sea kelp and fish oils will be of a great help to you also.
Agreed, you need to attempt to solidify the new mass for several months before you attempt to cut. Cutting too soon after a bulk will take away from the amount of quality muscle you keep in the long run.
I’ve always wondered rather than go into a cutting phase or cycle, whether one could just change the macronutrients around. For instance, if someone has been bulking with carbs around the 30-40% mark, change that to maybe only 15-20% while raising fats. And, importantly, not change the calories drastically. Perhaps this is a good transition approach.
Not sure if I am making sense but basically the idea is to keep caloric levels the same while reducing carbs. Would this help to achieve a somewhat similar end that a cutting diet would but me more appropriate given the situation, ie post-cycle?
Thanks for help guys, yeah im deffinately seeing some great results, jsut wanted to cut a little stomach out before the beach season. You make sense with the fact that i need to keep my gains, i still have 20 lbs to gain before may 12, just a deadline for myself to work towards. I am still a 32 inch waist, just needed some definition.
MrZsaz you make sense, right now im keeping a 3500 calorie diet, 50%CHO 30%Prot 20% lipids. mostly whole foods. so far about 35 pound gains, really trying to be 230, which means 15-20 more pounds within 2 months. Lets see how it goes. Im going to post some pictures soon. Feel free to critique.