Bulking Advice Needed

[quote]335i wrote:

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
Same issue as with just about every basically healthy dude trying to bulk on here and not getting great results:

  1. Too little progress in the gym for the amount of bw gained
  2. Too little protein. Both may well be related.

Look up Hungry4more, see Macro Breakdown done correctly.

If you cannot gain strength fast enough no matter what, you will have to slow down your weight gain to match.

Your body has no reason to put on muscle at a fast pace considering how you’re doing things atm.

Also, why max out on curls? I mean, you can do it and all, but I wouldn’t chance it… Just track anything from your 4-15RM or whatever.

You are still weak enough to potentially make faster progress in the gym. So that’s something you can improve on. Just have to figure it out.


I’ve been searching, but haven’t found his macro recommendations. How much protein do I need daily? ~350g? The BB Curl 1RM was more of a conservative estimate based on doing 115x4.

My long-term goal is to be over 200lbs at less than 10% body fat naturally. [/quote]

Did you ever think of reading SOME of the thousands of articles and books on this site, the net, and in stores?

[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
Need? I dunno, a very, very small number.

Want to take in? 1.8-2 grams per lb… 1.5 will work too… But I’d go with more.
Then get on a routine which allows you to get strong fast enough all things considered, on a good range of exercises…

Total cals will need some experimentation on your part though… If you want to lean out, just eat enough so you aren’t gaining much weight but keep the protein high and don’t neglect fats… Again, look at H4M’s BOI posts and his thread in the t-cell (I started it I think, somewhere in the latest three pages I suppose)…

Or just ask him.

For 205 lbs you definitely aren’t strong enough to be lean either (if that makes sense).

How to train for this is something you will also have to experiment with a little… High frequency per bodypart/lift plus low volume per lift like what H4M is doing is one way, but it requires that you “get it” basically, it’s instinctive-training -based… When to back off on what lift etc… I get the feeling a lot of guys on T-Nation need to be told exactly what to do and can’t really figure it out themselves, so in that case a different, more forgiving approach may be needed…


Thanks! Found the thread, too.

Eat when hungry, don’t stuff your face, basically eat until satisfied, not full. Try to get the majority of your calories in from good foods, and those would be protein fat, protein carb meals, not snack foods and pizzas and all that shit. If you are lifting hard enough you should have a large appetite so you will be hungry often.

This is my simple approach on bulking and I will remain on the leaner side eating like this, you will put on a little fat in most cases so don’t be discourage by that, but if it gets out of hand, adjustments should be made and they don’t have to be drastic.