I love the Bulgarian article and workout plan! You mentioned that additional “bodybuilding” work may be needed to gain muscle. But at present I’m not as interested in gaining muscle as I am in getting strong. So my question is: if I follow the program as prescribed should I expect to lose muscle and/ or should I add in bodybuildig work simply to maintain?
[quote]GraniteJack wrote:
I love the Bulgarian article and workout plan! You mentioned that additional “bodybuilding” work may be needed to gain muscle. But at present I’m not as interested in gaining muscle as I am in getting strong. So my question is: if I follow the program as prescribed should I expect to lose muscle and/ or should I add in bodybuildig work simply to maintain?[/quote]
I doubt that you will lose anything. Maybe some biceps size but that can easily be solved by doing some additional biceps work if you feel like you are losing some. But honestly, even at complete rest it takes about 2 weeks to lose a significant amount of muscle. With this program you are doing plenty of heavy lifting, so even though you aren’t targeting each muscle individually you are still imposing some stimulus do it’s doubtful that you will lose anything anywhere. You might feel that a muscle is “flatter”, that’s because less direct work = less inflammation (which is often mistaken for size).
Awesome. Thank you!
One final question: would adding an overhead press variation following the same percentages be a bridge too far? I’ve always loved OH Press and hate excluding it. But maybe it’s good to take a break from it?