Warm up, then
Incline bench 10x52.5kg clusters 5 mins
Narrow grip chin up 13x7.5kg clusters 5 mins
Lateral raise 33x7.5kg clusters 5 mins
Runners 14x12kg
TBDL 20x40kg
Decided to see how many reps I could get in 5 minutes on a few things, laterals were too light. Lower back wasn’t great after TBDL although it was okay at the time.
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg extension 20 reps total in clusters 42.5kg
Leg press 20x125kg
Hammer seated row 20x40kg
M/c seated press 16 total reps in clusters 35kg
Chest press 5x50kg
Face pulls 10x18.5kg
Runners 7x15kg
Warm up on elliptical, then
Negative single leg leg extension 5x42.5kg
Negative single leg leg press 5x102.5kg
Hammer seated row 8x50kg +2 single arm reps
Hammer pulldown 4x45kg
M/c seated press 7x35kg
Chest press 4x50kg
Alt db curl 8x15kg
Face pulls 8x17.5kg
Wide grip chin up 4
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg extension 20 reps total in clusters 50kg
Le curl 13 reps total in clusters 35kg
Leg press 20x125kg
Hammer seated row 20 reps total in clusters 55kg
Hammer pulldown 2x40kg
M/c seated press 13 total reps in clusters 35kg
Chest press 6 reps total in clusters 50kg
Alt db curl 12 reps total in clusters 15kg
Face pulls 8 reps total in clusters 16kg
Might forget the pulldowns next session, and do them in a mid week session.
Warm up, then
Alt Kb press 21 reps total in clusters 16kg
Chin up 20 reps total in clusters 7.5kg
Single arm curl 20 reps total in clusters 12kg
Dips 20 reps total in clusters 7.5kg
Warm up on elliptical, then
Leg extension 20 reps total in clusters 55kg
Leg press 20x130kg
Leg curl 20 reps total in clusters 35kg
Hammer seated row 20 reps total in clusters 60kg
M/c press 10 reps total in clusters 40kg
Chest press 6 reps total in clusters 50kg
Single arm cable curl 7 reps total in clusters 16kg
Face pulls 8x16kg
Been really busy and lost all motivation (and discipline) lately, things are getting back to normal again though now so will be back at it soon. Thanks for checking.
Getting back to it at last, motivation is back and even the sun has put in its yearly appearance so all is good at the moment.
Warm up on elliptical.
Leg press 9x140kg
Hammer seated row 7x70kg
M/c press 4x40kg
Chest press 4x50kg
Single arm cable curl 4x15kg
Single arm extensions 6x10kg
Face pulls 6x16kg
Warm up on elliptical.
Leg extension 6x55kg supersetted with
Leg press 6x132.5kg
Hammer seated row 4x70kg - alternate arms, one arm moving one holding contracted position.
M/c press 4x40kg
Chest press 5x45kg
Single arm cable curl 6x16kg
Single arm extensions 5x10kg
Face pulls 8x16kg
500m row 2 mins 9 seconds - missed the target by 9 seconds
Decided to do the 500m row challenge at the end, a bit disappointing.
4 mins tabata thrusters 17lbs
Incline bench 7x45kg
Pull up 3, 1 xbodyweight
Alt kb press 10x12kg
1 arm kb curl 6x12kg
Band pull apart 7x23lbs
Single arm band extension 11x23lbs
Single leg calf raise 20x16kg
Warm up on cross trainer
Leg press 20, 10x125kg
Alt arm Hammer seated row 7x70kg
Seated M/c press 4x40kg
Alt arm chest press 5x45kg
Vertical preacher curl 6x20kg
Single arm pushdown 5x10kg
Facepulls 9x16kg
500m row 2mins 28 seconds - getting worse.
If the 500m row is even worse next time I think that will prove that doing cardio has a negative effect and in order to improve I need to stop doing it.
4 mins tabata thrusters 22lbs
Incline bench 8x45kg
Pull up 4,1 xbodyweight
Alt kb press 6x16kg
Alternate arm kb curl 12x12kg
Band pull apart 12x23lbs
Single arm band extension 6x28lbs
Single leg calf raise 24x16kg
Airdyne tabata 4 mins
Leg press 20x125kg
Hammer strength pull down 8x40kg
Alt arm Hammer Strength incline press 7x40kg (holding in top position)
Alt db curl 7x15kg
1 arm extension 8x10kg
Facepulls suspension trainer 15 reps
4 mins tabata thrusters 22lbs
Narrow grip bench 2x55kg straight into normal grip 1x55kg
Pull up 3xbodyweight straight into NG chin 1xbodyweight
Lateral raise 6x7.5kg straight into kb press 7x12kg
Band curl 7x28lbs
Incline bench 3x42.5kg
Kb curl 4x12kg straight into
Narrow grip pull up 2x body weight
Band extensions 2x36lbs straight into
Negative dips 2x body weight
Wrist roller to failure 20lbs
All reps except wrist roller at 10/5 speed
Incline bench 3x42.5kg
Pull up 2x body weight
Sumo deadlift 30x52kg
Warm up on elliptical
Hammer Strength incline press 4x50kg
Hammer Strength pulldown 5x40kg
Leg press 1x125kg 1x115kg 2negative single leg 100kg
Upper body reps done at 10/5 speed. Leg press was a bit rubbish, 125kg felt like a ton and 115kg was no better. Not sure what the issue with leg strength was but will get it back to where it needs to be.
Tabata thrusters 12kg /pull ups 4 mins
5 EMOM circuits
Incline bench 5,5,5,4,3 x 42.5kg
Pull ups 4,4,4,4,4x bodyweight
EMOM squats 10,17,20,20,20x20kg vest
Band pull a parts 10,10x23lbs band
1 leg calf raise 2x20 12kg
Was disappointed with the tabata so did the EMOM session in the evening to make up for it.
Warm up on rowing machine, then
Leg press 22x125kg
Hammer strength seated row J-rep halves 12x50kg, 2x50kg
Hammer Strength incline press J-rep halves 12x50kg, 5x40kg
Hammer curl 7,4x12.5kg
Face pulls 6x6kg
The J-reps/zone reps were different, never really had my upper back burn like that before and the incline press worked me similarly.
Warm up, then wearing a 10kg weighted vest
Push ups 50
Narrow grip pull ups 25
Goblet squats +12kg kettlebell 140
Done in circuits, took 29 minutes, need to use more weight on goblet squats next time.