Hello CT,
I read your article about the 5/4/3/2/1 Rep-System and my first thought was “wow, great Idea”. As I’m more into boxing, I’m always searching for a program which combines a bit of everything. But the most programs lack of one aspect. Now that I’ve found yours, which has truly a bit of everything, I ask my self is there a way to modify it to fit more in my training plan?
My boxtraining is on tuesday and friday, so i can’t perform it 5 Days in a row. Maybe you have an idea how to customize it, to keep the effectiveness, without being handicapped at my other training session? Or maybe you have an advice for me for an other better circuit which improves endurance, strength and mass, while not fatigue for the other training sessions?
Kind regards,
(please excuse if some sentences are fucked up, i’m from germany, so sometimes it’s hard for me to find the right expressions to say what i’m thinking)
CT said you don’t need to do it 5 days in a row, and would actually prefer not having 2 days in a row off. so you can definitely do it saturday, sunday, monday, boxing on tuesday, and then finish off with wednesday and thursday and then boxing again on friday.
[quote]alivirk wrote:
CT said you don’t need to do it 5 days in a row, and would actually prefer not having 2 days in a row off. so you can definitely do it saturday, sunday, monday, boxing on tuesday, and then finish off with wednesday and thursday and then boxing again on friday.[/quote]
Yes that’s fine… although boxing training is very demanding so pay attention to how your body is feeling since doing this program plus boxing might be too much to handle.
CT, right now I’m giving s shot on the built for bad circuit (1week done). I’m wondering if I can use the 2-3 warm up round with excentric work to activate the mTOR before starting the 5-4-3-2-1 scheme?
Another question, a circuit of your 4 mains lifts (deadlift, Bench press, chin up, military press) done with a scheme like: 4-6 reps ~85%, 5-7 reps ~75%, 6-8 reps 65% amd 2 warm up excentric round. Is it fine or you think it’s not a good idea. I won’t changed the Built for Bad circuit, I’m just thinking outloud about ways to manage mTOR activation.