Brute's Book

hey brutiful, ssb squat depth is good!

do you do your fronties with the ssb turned around? I love doing 'em that way, way easier on my shoulder.

I’ve never seen power shrugs done like that before, that’s more of a compound movement, with some lower back involved. but I just googled and yes, they do some like that…my are a bit faster, not so much coming forward, but I do have some body english, hmmmm…

:smiley: BBB :)! ! ! Thanks for poppin by !

POWER ! I have yet to figure out the ssb for fronties…In all honesty I feel like if I try to relearn it now I’d loose ground on that quest for 225. I want it SO BAD!

I do really like that bar. I vow to never be without access to one! I will make sure of that! I don’t get the lower back issues from squats at all anymore–> its a great fit for me :slight_smile:

And those power shrugs…I dunno. BUT today the lil bitty stringy upper back muscles of mine are sore in spots I’ve never felt before, Not supper sore but made me aware of their existence… SO I guess I was wrong. I think you can do them in a rack pull type setup but I was too lazy to set one up after dl’s.

ssb squat day:)
160x2,180x2, 200x2, 210x2, 235, 245, fail 255, 245, 220x2, 200x10, 210x7, 225x4, 225x4, 200x10, 170x19

I’m getting back into rep attack madness as you can see. But I was disappointed in my fail. So there.
misc snatch grip mp’s 3 sets of 5-8 with 70#
ghr’s 3 sets if 15 ← getting there with the range of motion. Not full yet.

My stomach is bothering me so I cut out.

Awesome sauce training Brutie!

[quote]Patch2 wrote:
Awesome sauce training Brutie![/quote]

Your avatar makes this comment SOOO much more intense!!

Yea I agree with a lot of things here… iobviously!

So you’re doing 19 squat reps with roughly bodyweight? Egads, Brute! You crazy thing, you. Not too many people could do that. I know I couldn’t!

Keep up the great work. And I hope to see you around town sometime. I’ve finally got the purple panther back in business.

:smiley: Thanks Patchie :smiley:

Texi :slight_smile:

Hey fj:) Thanks, and thanks for poppin in :slight_smile:

I am on my computer with no exclamation point on the keyboard…and I am having copy/paste issues. I woudl EXCLAMATORY POINTY ACTION to all of you :slight_smile:

Especially You Snap :slight_smile: You definitely are getting purple panther in action :smiley:

I am sore from those–the repped squats…in my shoulders of all places. I think Its from the ssb. Nothing awful but I haven’t been sore in my shoulder caps in ages.

That or the fall I took on tuesday from Nigel pulling me flat out on my face on his leash after I shot putted a ball ( my mistake) …argh…I haven’t fallen that hard and unprepared since I was probably thirteen off some bike jump or roller skating thing. My brain totally smashed about my skull.

I fell FLAT on my face–like a book falling over or a domino. HA :smiley: UGHHH I keep replaying it in my mind and cracking up at my own damm fall :smiley:


today t’was fronties 145x2, 165x2, 185x2, 200x2, 210, 220, fail at 225
185x5 x 2 sets, 185x4 x 2 sets, 195x2 x 2 sets, 200, 205

This time I got it on film. Not a pretty site but its ok by me.:slight_smile:

ANNOUNCEMENT: NO MAS benching for me. Unless very socially pressured to do so…or with a buddy.

I really want to learn how to do some weightlifting moves. Of course I’ll be teaching myself since I’m a loner dweeb…it’ll take a while…and I will still do whatever other exercises I feel like because I’m wild.

I just want some smoothness and grace in my life :smiley: those chicks are so smooth with their stuffs.

By weightlifting moves do you mean Olympic lifting?

PATCH --YES :smiley: I do mean oly :slight_smile:

did grace today in a fit of frustration of not being able to push press anything up for ohs. I failed with 140,135…meh.

grace which is a cf thing–clean to push press/ or c & j 30 reps for time. I did pretty much clean to pushpress.

89# time like 4 minutes. HA
Bulgarians 100x10/leg,115x9/leg, 130 x 5/leg
Anderson fs 145x10,x8,x5
then I got a few OHS in 131 x8,133x8
30 mins cardio

oh to watch those sexy quads move :slight_smile:

Not a pretty sight, says you. We’ll have to agree to disagree. :slight_smile:

You always make me hate my gym, by the way. There is nobody being awesome in there like you are in yours.

I used to want to be graceful, but then I realized I would rather be a moose than a deer :stuck_out_tongue:

GOOD luck with your new lifting stuffs! I’m sure you’ll do well!

:smiley: Thanks guys !

Today was caon week 6
dl’s 295x3 …supposed to be 300x2 but don’t ask me why I thought 295 was 300) I think the extra rep makes it ok
speed dls 245x3 x 3 sets
power shrugs 205 3 sets of 5
dl’s 265x5, 275 x 5 x 2 sets
bent over rows 135x5,145x5, 140 x5
gm’s 135x5 x 3 sets
reverse grip pull downs 3 sets of 5 with 120- 140 whatever that means

30 mins cardio

[quote]Spock81 wrote:
I used to want to be graceful, but then I realized I would rather be a moose than a deer :stuck_out_tongue:

GOOD luck with your new lifting stuffs! I’m sure you’ll do well! [/quote]


Moose can be WAY graceful. :slight_smile:

today I had to wait around…and wait around…and wait around for the apartment people to inspect my place. Which they never did. SO I was pissy and late to the gym. I usually walk Nigel first thing in the am, then hang for 30 mins then GYM IT RAHHHHHHHHHHH

Today I had to stew in rage for 3 hours. Ah well. I’m just now over it 2 hours later.

145x2, 165x2, 185x2, 205x2 x 3 sets, 210, 210, 190x5x 3 sets, 185x6, 185x5, x3

pull up PANTY PARTY 9 sets of 6,1 set of 5. I’m way proud of my pull ups :slight_smile: I rested about 5 minutes per set, which is good for me. NADIA if you are reading THANK YOU SO MUCH :smiley:

Looks like your rage fueled pull up greatness! You should be way proud of them, that’s some solid work. nod

Do you have a goal date to crush that 225 front squat by, or just feeling your way towards it?


"D Thanks Kristof! I’m really proud of em :slight_smile:

Goal for getting that 225 is AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!! I feel like I gotta have it now!! But its elusive…