nice bench and nigel has a face you must kiss. just grab him by the jowls and muah!
why thank you Kristof:) and thanks times two for the Rammstein–sigh. LOVELY. DL theme currently is Eifersucht–> check it out
cbear-oh no no no one thirty five was from the last bench not 135 hanging leg raises. i wish :{
hey N-he is even cute enough to be adorable when he has the 'rrhea. yep. giant nigel shits ALLLL in my apartment today. woke up last night to two giant piles in my bedroom.
today was some dl’s still doing singles to try and get my max up
warmup to 300x4, 315, 315,315,315, last one wasn’t completely up, so dropped to 305,305,310 for three singeles
then 275x5x 2 sets, 275x4
overheads 95x22, 115x10,125x5
abs and stretching , stuff
wow. your deadlifts are very inspiring indeed. nigel is soooo cuuute. but, yeah, he is gonna have to work on his cute if he wants to shit around your place.
Thanks alexus–I gotta try a dl max here soon. I got a free pass for a week to the strongman gym place. and they have ROUND plates
benching 115x9, 125x4…and that was it
push presses 95x20,115x8,125
fronties–MAN i loose these fast. its been weeks since i’ve done these half way seriously. i find i have to train them religiously to keep any sort of endurance–rep wise. I’m trying to get a better max so i’m trying the same sorta theory as for dl’s and lower reps for a bit…however , its not like i had much more to give on the reps.
155x6x5 sets
went to the strongman gym. great equipment, but not really a place that could work for me .its very close, priced decent, GREAT equipment…if i lived a regular daydweller schedule it’d be perfect oh well free for a week.
i tried to figure out the ghr and got confused.i have to work on setting the length properly for my height etc.
ALSO I’ve decided to not do the state meet. I’m just not where i want to be performance wise. Instead I’m going to use the $$ and vacation days to hitch a ride on a road trip east.
sorry to not see you there, but understandable with the $$ and vacation opp
thanks george:)…i’m a loser and am actually very very excited most of all to stop at a QT :)…quick trip gas station on the way to STL and Chicago
I was wondering whether you were going to compete. A road trip vacation sounds like a great plan!
does the strongman gym have bad hours for your schedule? shame about that
your road trip sounds like fun. amazing how people travel from all over the world and often see more of a place than the locals do. nice to take the opportunity to have a travel around. bet nigel will have a blast, too!
hey nadia and alexus–its been a few years since i took a vacation, i’m jazzed!
waited. waited. and waited until 5am to to see what i could do with round plates and a dl max attempt results were lack luster.
MAN. I’m unmotivated these days…and ok with it. Waiting for the blahs to pass and they just keep hanging around. i’ll keep trying and perhaps one of these days will be a banner lifting day i add a lazy half assed whatev
dls bar warm up etc to 330, failed at 345 MOFO! ah hell.
then 245x16 or 17 i forget and my camera flipped out and stopped filming at 7. 225x10.
some misc gm’s another botched attempt to figure out the proper length i need for the ghr thing. i checked out the article on this site and still am lost. it hurts/pinches my quads when i adjust it to what i think is the proper way. i could be completely off though
plan for the day is hibernate in the ac. 100 degrees onits way
So excited for you that you are planning a vacation! That just seems so wrong that you haven’t had one in so long.
Love the deadlifts and the puppy pix. Keep on being awesome!
Not competing and still not using the belt.
Nice work on Deads. I loved the video. You are such a badass. And way to get a bench PR! Are you driving through Kentucky on your road trip? You could come and lift with me and Molly! We could use some of your deadlifting mojo!
330 to 345 is a pretty big jump, even for a Brute. I bet you could have pulled 335 or 340. nod That said, 330 is still a fierce pull!
I like that song. Funny how no Rammstein song really seems to start until Till comes in.
Hope you enjoyed your hibernation; it’s the only answer to 100+ heat.
Hey Kimba I have vacationitis…its not for a few weeks but I’m already itching for it badly
SB! Thanks! ! ! Oh I would LOVE to lift with you girls! Molly is sucha a sweety and a beast at that as well! I am very jealous of you and her being able to lift together!
I know Snap:( I’m not ready though. My wt’s a mess, my bench is questionable at best, and my dl still hasn’t risen. Squats are ok, but my forms’ hot and miss or a disaster. My heart and soul aren’t into it and I’m too full of pride to show up without an improved set of numbers…and less then 90% confidence in myself.
Hey Kristof–thanks:) I know, i want that dl to go up so bad… so bad! I probably should have done lil steps but I’m antsy!
Today I went to the strongman gym and just stretched for about 30 minutes. I needed it. back was clenched up and hammies a bit sore but now i feel good:)
… however I am looking at having to spend some major dough on Nigel. I took him to get a evaluation for doggie daycare. …he lasted fifteen 5minutes. The evaluation was supposed to last 4 hours but the minute i left the techs seid he was crazy and fearful…fearfully aggressive:( He wouldn’t let anyone near him baring teeth etc etc.the smae shit he did at my work after his first surgery.
I had a feeling this would happened but i was hoping it wouldn’t. I would love for him to be able to play with other dogs, but since i don’t know his past and he’s got a big set of jaws I’ve been waiting until he was neutered and until I had some professional help doing so. I thought he was just protective of me and would be a better off with out me there. He was aggressive towards other dogs and also freaking out over the techs.
SO. Looks like I’m going to be spending a good chunk of change on training.
today was a touch of benching
115x5,120x5,125x4,130x2, 115,125,130
today was fronties
155x 8,165x7,175x4,185x3,195,175x3x 2 sets, 155x8
today was fronties
155x 8,165x7,175x4,185x3,195,175x3x 2 sets, 155x8
road trip!!
I want your deads…
hope Nigel is done with the extra poopin in the house.
Been a while since I’ve been in here. Good to see you’re still killin it. Reading about Nigel makes me wish I could help. Big time dog lover here.
Understandable about the blahs, as well. We all go thru them from time to time. This too shall pass.
Reading about your DLs is making me pretty antsy to go do some myself. You’re definitely a booster, Brute, and I’m going to try to forget your comment about having a boy’s body. Kristof said it well, and I will add to his statement by saying that you would make this man fall to his knees and cry tears of joy. Word.
Now…back to work, you!