My bro ( 21 years old) started power lifting 2 years ago and for the last 5months he’s been always using the NO pre workout sups that contains caffeine, he seems pretty addicted to it which made me pretty worried about future side effects. The boy workout pretty hard and heavy every time, but I just don?t c him going to the gym without any NO pre workout sups, mostly for the high amount of caffeine.
I tried to convince him about crabs and pre workout meals but he just love the caffeine rush that would push him for a better workout every time as he say. Should I be worried much? Or should I not since he’s working pretty hard? I heard stuff about high heart pressure and stuff?. He usually take 2 to 3 scoops max. Would love to hear any suggestions!
It’s pretty unhealthy to have a dependency on caffeine or other supplements. Why doesn’t he just drink coffee if he wants to have a caffeine rush? Less taxing on the wallet.
[quote]alablangy wrote:
I tried to convince him about crabs and pre workout meals but he just love the caffeine rush that would push him for a better workout every time as he say. Should I be worried much? Or should I not since he’s working pretty hard?
I heard stuff about high heart pressure and stuff?. He usually take 2 to 3 scoops max. Would love to hear any suggestions![/quote]
[quote]Espada wrote:
It’s pretty unhealthy to have a dependency on caffeine or other supplements. Why doesn’t he just drink coffee if he wants to have a caffeine rush? Less taxing on the wallet.[/quote]
The caffeine from coffee is different from that in drinks such as Spike and other pre-workout drinks.
Coffee, even in people conditioned to caffeine, causes dehydration quicker during workouts while many pre-workout drinks had no additional affect on hydration.
I wish I still had the medical journal link for this study. The study did not try to explain why this happened merely that it did, so I can not get into the specifics as to why on earth there is a difference lol.
The ultimate suggestion was to take No Doze or similar rather than coffee before a workout if you wanted caffeine.
[quote]CrewPierce wrote:
alablangy wrote:
I tried to convince him about crabs and pre workout meals but he just love the caffeine rush that would push him for a better workout every time as he say. Should I be worried much? Or should I not since he’s working pretty hard?
I heard stuff about high heart pressure and stuff?. He usually take 2 to 3 scoops max. Would love to hear any suggestions!
Has he gotten any medicine for his crabs?[/quote]
seriously, Billions of people around the world have caffeine regularly every single day. coffee. It’s not been a problem for them. Don’t sweat it.
I was just worried about using those NO sups every day for long time, but since it’s not risky and safe, I might just make him get blood check from time to time. I know I’m acting like his mother here, but he only got me so I have to do it this way lol.
Thanx a’lot every one
[quote]matsm21 wrote:
seriously, Billions of people around the world have caffeine regularly every single day. coffee. It’s not been a problem for them. Don’t sweat it.
That’s quite arguable, that having coffee everyday hasn’t been a problem for the masses. Look at the average person’s overall health… not that good.
[quote]TheSolution wrote:
matsm21 wrote:
seriously, Billions of people around the world have caffeine regularly every single day. coffee. It’s not been a problem for them. Don’t sweat it.
That’s quite arguable, that having coffee everyday hasn’t been a problem for the masses. Look at the average person’s overall health… not that good.[/quote]
Well billions of people around the world also breathe everyday…but the average person’s overall health…
Seriously can we at least attempt to find causation in our ridiculous overgeneralizations?
Im not a coffee drinker. And about a year ago wanted to try experiment ingesting caffeiene per the caffeiene effects. Started drink tea. Got a good caffeine kick from this. (yes, I know tea doesnt have much caffiene, but for someone who rarely drinks soda, this was enough to do the job ). Sometimes I even tried 2-3 tea bags @ a time. WOW!!!
Found a website. Purchased 100grams of caffeine anhydrous for $12.25 with s/h. This stuff work great!!! 1/16 tsp. is equivilant to 189mg of caffeiene or something. 1st day I tried it, I placed in my oj in the morning and drank. Remind you I took this drink around 7:00AM. Couldnt fall asleep until after 1:00am!!! This happens everytime I take it. So maybe they sent me crack, but this stuff works amazing.