[quote]craze9 wrote:
[quote]dt79 wrote:
[quote]craze9 wrote:
I know everyone loves the Kingbeef thread but some of those splits are pretty bad imho, especially for beginners. Like, classic bro-splits – 5 days in a row, full day for arms/abs, shoulders, calves everywhere, etc.
To wit, one of the grossest workouts I’ve ever seen:
Friday - Traps/Calves/Abs/Forearms
Shrugs - 3x4-8
Standing calf raises - 3x4-8
Seated calf raises - 3x4-8
Cable Crunches - 2x10-15
Weighted Leg Raises - 3x10-15
Reverse wrist curls - 2x8-10
Behind Back wrist curls - 2x8-10
I would not go to the gym and just do that even if I lived right next to it.
Yes I’m nitpicking, and not saying those splits won’t work at all, but I think that thread is showing signs of its age (4+ years old now). The 4-day and push/pull/legs are good, though.
Actually, these splits and the pyramiding style(or ramping or whatever its called now) have stood the test of time since I started training 2 decades ago.
Not that I’m downplaying the effectiveness of other programs, but I am currently of the opinion that all a beginner needs is basic direction and a reminder that he needs to add weight to the bar or increase reps every week. I refrain from even mentioning programs sometimes because I fear he gets the idea that programing is the be all end all, starts reading too many articles and forms fixed opinions of things without enough practical experience to separate fact from bullshit, and finally starts regurgitating it to other beginners online and at the water cooler.[/quote]
I agree with you about beginners and just getting them lifting. Even in these forums it’s all too common for someone to just get confused by all the conflicting advice they get. So I’m not against your advice, but I’m a little confused about people always linking that Kingbeef thread when it includes a bunch of splits that look pretty mediocre to me. And to tell a beginner he needs to lift 5 days / week to make progress, and 3 days / week is simply not enough, is not only wrong but also the kind of thing that actually de-motivated me when I was a beginner.
I mean, the volume in those routines isn’t even very high - it could be done all in 3 days, and would that be worse? More rest days = bad?
The very first split linked it:
Monday - Chest/Calves
Tuesday - Back
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Arms/Abs
Friday - Shoulders
OR the one I pulled that ugly workout from:
M - Chest/Triceps
T - Back/Biceps
W - Legs
Th - Shoulders
F - Traps/Cavles/Abs/Forearms
These are splits that I’ve never seen a T-Nation contributor or experienced coach recommend. And I think it’s not a particularly smart way to distribute the volume over a week, given the heavy CNS days are all stacked 3 days in a row (legs next to back and no deadlifts included), entire days are devoted to small muscle groups, and no rest days in between.
Sure, it will work, but even if you keep the exact same volume and exercise selection you could do both of those splits in 4 days easily. And include rest days in between. They just don’t look very well thought-out to me.
At least, I don’t get why people always recommend that Kingbeef thread when there are all these splits to use:
From CT:
Day 1 �¢?? Back and deadlift
Day 2 �¢?? Chest and shoulders
Day 3 �¢?? OFF
Day 4 �¢?? Biceps and Triceps
Day 5 �¢?? Legs
Day 6 �¢?? Chest and Back
Day 7 �¢?? OFF
Day 1 Chest/Bench Press
Day 2 Legs / Squat
Day 3 Lats/Biceps/Abs
Day 4 Shoulders/OHP
Day 5 Deadlift / Back
Or John Meadows:
Chest/Shoulders Heavy
Chest/Shoulders Pump
Or Stu’s split:
1- Chest/calves
2- Back/Biceps
3- Delts/Traps/Triceps
4- Legs
Or other 4-days like:
Obviously if we’re talking about just getting a beginner to do a program then I’m nitpicking / changing the subject, but I don’t understand the Kingbeef thread thing.
My opinion is very simple. The split doesn’t matter unless it’s retarded. I don’t see why you’re so hung up on it.
And I would like the beginner to understand that things like this do not matter in light of the bigger picture for reasons given in my previous post.