Broken tib/fib

I am a 22 year old who was recently in a car accident and had my lower leg- tibia/fibula crushed. What would you guys take supplement wise/ do alternative medicine wise?

I had the same injury. I would suggest a Calcium -magnesium supplement and a trace mineral supp to be safe. Also, if I remeber, I had the cast on for 8 weeks or so which the doctor said was too long (I had to switch doctors). You want to get it off as soon as it is safe because the real problem is joint stiffness. On the plus side, I didn’t have to do any physical therapy because they said I looked like I already new what to do. If you are used to lifting weights you will recover very fast after they remove the cast. Don’t be afraid to hit the weights, but of course build up slowly.

Hi Eric. Sorry to hear about your accident. I agree with all the other advice posted but would add some vitamin D, C and E as well if you aren’t already taking them. Did you really crush the tib/fib, i.e. pulverized into little bits, or did you just have a really bad multiple fracture? Either way, you sustained a serious trauma to the surrounding soft tissues as well as the bone, which vit C would help with. Ample vit C is also necessary in the presence of calcium to make bone base with collagen; a deficiency thereof will prolong recovery. You will also need vit. D supplemenation to assure adequate absorption and retention. Yes, this may seem like overkill, but research shows many young adults lack adequate vit D in the blood fluids unless they are out in the summer sun at least 3 days a week and don’t bathe for at least 24 hours after exposure. Now it’s fall/winter, and you probably bathe enough to wash it off your skin even if you are out in the sun. 400 IU is fine if you take the irradiated ergesterol compounds that are commonly available. You could also take cod liver oil by the teaspoonful. It is cheap and has other benefits besides the vit D such as vit A, various EFAs, etc. You should have the vit E as well to prevent losses of nutrients to oxidation in the blood fluids. Best of luck to you, and let us know how your recovery goes.