My girlfriend has firm small breasts, and while I’m happy with them, shes rather self concious and i think it really bothers her. So she’s tried the new herbal rememdies like Bloussant and all that crap but it doesn’t really work, surprise surprise, so T-men any advice as to any drug legal or not that could increase her breasts without serious side effects?
Nothing currently on the market works, except implants of course. I know some of those creams tighten the skin and make them look or at least feel firmer, but there are no real size gains and the tightening is temporary.
She might want to try GroBust capsules. Many women have been having success with this. I think the ingredients simulate estrogen/progesterone as well as stimulate the secretion of these hormones. It is supposed to be a permanent increase. She may have already tried this. As far as drugs go, I know a woman who was put on estrogen tablets after menopause and grew huge knockers. She had always had a small bustline. The doctor had to cut back on her dosage.
As I understand it, the only way the hormone treatments increase bust size is to increase EVERYTHING else at the same time – FAT!! There’s only one substance that I know that works. Silicone!
She wants big breasts? Get her pregnant. (michevious grin)
Work on her self image. Remind her that she is absolutely gorgeous and doesn’t need bigger breasts. I’m not a breast guy, so I really don’t care for large breasts. I’d much prefer a smaller breasted girl over a larger one. So tell her she’s perfect as is! And keep her natural!
Wow…it seems like there is a lot of “surgery avoidance” on the board today! The people who make all these millions on herbal/creme/medicinal “cures” for everything from laxed abdominal skin to small breast do so because, with our current knowlege, some things are only REALLY helped through surgury. Breast are essentially fat. And if by some miracle, one of these snake oils increases fat, it will do so all over the body, with the breast being the bodypart LEAST enhanced. Surgical augmention has gotten to the point of allowing more natural contures (contrary to the “watermelons stuck on boards” look that you see in the mags…I don’t know WHAT’S up with that…), varying sizes so that your girlfriend will look and feel “natural” and most importantly, safe and natural alternatives to silicon (if that bothers her). Contact a board certified member of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. The consultation is usually free.
…American SOCIETY of Plastic Surgeons…
She should start with a possitive self-image. She should read a book called "psychocybernetics by maxwell Maltz) It could iliminate the problem within. Sounds like her self-image that is unrealistic at best.
As stated before, the only natural way to make the breasts bigger besides hormone therapy (the pill or post-menopause drugs) is to get fat. Unfortunately when she loses that fat her breasts will shrink…this the added ‘bonus’ of them getting saggy. Just make sure she knows that you are very happy with how she looks, and try to help her like herself. don’t encourage her to have surgery!!!
Game, my lady had the same problem. She went from and A cup to a B, and lately she has taken to wearing those gel filled bra’s. It doesnt bother me and she is cool with her size(and she knows it as i prefer it, but she doesnt like how other people see her), and this fills the gap nicely; silcone but removable! Good luck buddy, as long as she’s convinced that your cool with how she looks, then suggest the bra’s as its done wonders for her, and she loves the stares more too(honestly, what dawgs…)
I’m with you, man, I love petites! He should look her in the
eye and tell her how really beautiful she is… Question: why
do women assume all guys are fixated on their breasts?
He should have her do lots of deep lunges and stiff-legged
deads because a little BACK never hurt!..(Just my opinion?)
Joey Z. ::::----::::
Can’t really make a good judgement without sufficient knowledge. Post pictures ;0
I hear you loud and clear bro! I’d rather see some hella nice ass and legs on a girl than bigger breasts. So some good work on the ass and hammies would have me drooling! She could be the smallest A-cup, and I wouldn’t mind at all! I’m initially attracted to a girl’s face (eyes, lips) first. I like to look at ass and legs after that.
For sex, if she likes breast stimulation, I’ll give it to her for sure. I like to use the whole body as my sexual palet. But you know me, I’d rather “eat more pussy!” LOL!
thanks t-men, yea i try to tell her its ok, but being a guy that does really enjoy breasts, i think she feels bad when she see’s me or anyone for that matter glancing at a girl with large breasts. The GroBust and such do help a little, but not much . With the Post-Menopause pills, will all of her get fat? or wut? thanks guys
Tell her it costs about $5000 for an decent augmentation. None of that herbal stuff works. If it did, guys would be stealing it from their girls, and putting it on their parts to see if it would help them get bigger too!
thanks for all the advice people, any other ideas that u could think of would be appreciated as well.