You guys are probably right about this girl but I think we don’t really have enough information to have so much conviction about her. Pauly is a young guy and there is a good chance his interpretations of life and people are not very good. I have a 21yo nephew who lives with my family. His interpretation of events and things people say is jaw dropping. I find that if I start probing a bit into the things he says, an entirely different truth is likely to come out.
What we know here is that the girl’s family isn’t going to pay and that she has 20k debt. It’s not all that unusual for her family to either be poor or just not want to pay. It doesn’t necessarily reflect badly on her. Her debt could be school loans so I’m not going to knock that until I find out its credit crd bills or something like that.
Paul’s statement of “master manipulator”? From my experience with my nephew, I’ll need to hear some details before I’ll make any judgement on her based on that statement alone.
Either way, the relationship is doomed. Either because she is all thats been said, or because he is Mr. Negativity-unable-to-make-a-plan man. This may be a situation where if he had a little maturity he’d stand up and say “honey, where we’re at in life right now and with the resources we have, we need to do this simple and low cost”. End of discussion.