Anyone got a good breakfast shake/smoothie recipe? I have a hard time choking down a lot of food in the mornings and usually don’t have a lot of time to prep and eat, even if I could.
I’m interested in a high calorie, high protein shake, preferrably fruit based as a opposed to chocolate or peanut buttery.
I’m basically looking for something fast and as close as I can get to a well balanced breakfast. Something I can drink on the way to class or work.
I’d be interested in other quick and nutritious breakfast ideas as well!
I know you said fruity, but I like 2 scoops ON whey, 1 cup milk, 1/2 cup oats, 1 large banana and 1 large spoonful of natty pb. If I’m in a hurry and can’t make food this is what I make.
sub out fruits you don’t like for fruits you do. if milk and yogurt aren’t your thing, use protein powder + water. Mix and match until you get the macro nutrient profile you want
I wont take credit, but have been drinking this pretty regularly since i read this. For variety, i will alternate the apples with blueberries and the cottage cheese with plain lowfat yogurt.
I put an apple and a handful of raw broccoli in my protein shakes every morning. Yep, you read that right. The sweetness of the apple offsets the “unsweetness” of the broccoli. With the following combination, you won’t even know the broccoli’s in there, but your health and body fat levels will thank you. Mix in 16-20 ounces of water in a blender: