“The upper classes in the U.S. have persuaded the lower classes to restrict their reproduction. They promote non-consequential promiscuity among the other classes while reproducing and raising the new ruling class. American society is also segmented into castes as portrayed by Huxley. The Alpha Double-Pluses are the Harvard MBAs running Goldman Sachs and the other mega-banks. Others in the Alpha caste are the Bushes, Kennedys, Rockefellers, Clintons, Gores, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Paul Krugman. The Betas include Congressmen, bank executives, government bureaucrats, military leaders, and corporate executives. The Gammas and Deltas are the working classes that do the hard work without ever advancing. The Epsilons are the morons produced by the inner city public school system. They fill the non-thinking manual labor jobs of society.”
O wonder!
How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world! That has such people in’t! - William Shakespeare â?? The Tempest
Wow. I have to admit that I’m not the most well read guy out there, I’m halfway through “Atlas Shrugged” b Ayn Rand and I can’t believe what I’m reading when I read it because so much of it is happeing now and that book was written in 1957! I’ll put this one on my must read list. Just reading this article makes me want to change some of the things I do in my life. The strange thing is, is that most of the ideas in this article have been ideals that I have lived by since I changed my life and became a conservitive. I don’t gamble, I think drugs, porn, sports and most things out there in the mainstream media are ment to keep people dumd and malleable so that they think people like Obama will save them from themsleves. I’m just a soldier so I gess that makes me a Gamma but trust me…I’m moving up!
â??Most of one’s life is one prolonged effort to prevent oneself from thinking. People intoxicate themselves with work so they won’t see how they really are.â?? - Aldous Huxley
[quote]jawara wrote:
Wow. I have to admit that I’m not the most well read guy out there, I’m halfway through “Atlas Shrugged” b Ayn Rand and I can’t believe what I’m reading when I read it because so much of it is happeing now and that book was written in 1957! I’ll put this one on my must read list. Just reading this article makes me want to change some of the things I do in my life. The strange thing is, is that most of the ideas in this article have been ideals that I have lived by since I changed my life and became a conservitive. I don’t gamble, I think drugs, porn, sports and most things out there in the mainstream media are ment to keep people dumd and malleable so that they think people like Obama will save them from themsleves. I’m just a soldier so I gess that makes me a Gamma but trust me…I’m moving up![/quote]
Imagine finishing Atlas Shrugged in August 08!
I love BNW, and feel that the classes in that book are relevant to the United States, and humanity in general. This is a scenario that has been played out by every society that walked this earth to varying degrees. The moral kicker to this is…is it right? Is it …best? You open a whole can of worms either way, saying society should be stratified or saying society should not be stratified.
On the reproduction issue, i dont know if its coercion as much as common sense. If you dont have the means to support children you shouldnt be fuckin. Otherwise you do the children a disservice See: group foster homes, overcrowded inner city schools, drug addiction, malnourishment…etc. Forgive me if i went off topic I am responding before reading the article.
[quote]jawara wrote:
Wow. I have to admit that I’m not the most well read guy out there, I’m halfway through “Atlas Shrugged” b Ayn Rand and I can’t believe what I’m reading when I read it because so much of it is happeing now and that book was written in 1957! I’ll put this one on my must read list. Just reading this article makes me want to change some of the things I do in my life. The strange thing is, is that most of the ideas in this article have been ideals that I have lived by since I changed my life and became a conservitive. I don’t gamble, I think drugs, porn, sports and most things out there in the mainstream media are ment to keep people dumd and malleable so that they think people like Obama will save them from themsleves. I’m just a soldier so I gess that makes me a Gamma but trust me…I’m moving up![/quote]
When I read the article, the parallels were just downright eerie (which is why I shared)! I love a good conspiracy theory but the promotion of drugs/sex/alcohol and the actual training of people to be consumers, to produce an actual craving in a subject population for all the ‘stuff’, just blew me away.
Glad you enjoyed the read and are enjoying ‘Shrugged’.
On the reproduction issue, i dont know if its coercion as much as common sense. If you dont have the means to support children you shouldnt be fuckin. Otherwise you do the children a disservice See: group foster homes, overcrowded inner city schools, drug addiction, malnourishment…etc. Forgive me if i went off topic I am responding before reading the article.
Yeah, about that that reproduction thing.Do I really need to go into the lack of education in the inner city and the plethera of abortion clinics? Damn, add the number of black women with HIV into it and we could make a movie about the book staring Eazy E, Lewis Farrakhan, and Jeriamiah Wright!!!
[quote]Brother Chris wrote:
Glad to be an Alpha.[/quote]
No one on this board is an Alpha-level member of society. That, I’m positive about. At best, there may be a small handful of people who have the potential to become something, but the vast majority are just followers. That’s no less true of this place than any other.
I have noticed that most people who post on this and other boards don’t even use them to broaden their views on unfamiliar subject matters or as testing grounds for their theories. Instead, they seem to be looking for emotional reassurance to validate what they already believe.
People seemingly can’t resist the urge to form cliques, no matter where they are. This is very disheartening since it reflects so poorly on human nature.
For those earnestly seeking to improve themselves, I have a proposal:
You can start right here. Start by making each of your posts count.
To wit:
-Don’t post emotionally.
-Don’t feel the need to chime in threads just to make your presence known.
-Don’t make new threads just to state a point of view that everyone on the board already shares. For instance, anything supportive of conservatism or libertarian principles. Nearly all of us subscribe to those ideologies in one form or another.
-Each thread or discussion should have a purpose and should leave the participants better informed or more aware of how their theories “hold up” against the alternatives.
Finally, if this is the only forum you post on or read, I highly recommend you find another site to join and try dipping your feet into unfamiliar waters.
I read dozens of sites and forums and the biggest problem I’ve noticed is a widespread lack of discipline among contributors. Common courtesy is also in short supply, which tends to hinder intelligent debate.
[quote]jawara wrote:
Wow. I have to admit that I’m not the most well read guy out there, I’m halfway through “Atlas Shrugged” b Ayn Rand and I can’t believe what I’m reading when I read it because so much of it is happeing now and that book was written in 1957! I’ll put this one on my must read list. Just reading this article makes me want to change some of the things I do in my life. The strange thing is, is that most of the ideas in this article have been ideals that I have lived by since I changed my life and became a conservitive. I don’t gamble, I think drugs, porn, sports and most things out there in the mainstream media are ment to keep people dumd and malleable so that they think people like Obama will save them from themsleves. I’m just a soldier so I gess that makes me a Gamma but trust me…I’m moving up![/quote]
When I read the article, the parallels were just downright eerie (which is why I shared)! I love a good conspiracy theory but the promotion of drugs/sex/alcohol and the actual training of people to be consumers, to produce an actual craving in a subject population for all the ‘stuff’, just blew me away.
Glad you enjoyed the read and are enjoying ‘Shrugged’.
The way i honestly see it is as the question goes. Which came first? The chicken or the egg?
People naturally like altered states of mind as well as sex. We are natural consumers and recent social evolutions allowed us to feel more at comfort in these things. Now they can be written about from the perspective it was orchestrated like that or this is just the natural order of things and old societal cuffs holing it all in check are slipping off.
I can only imagine how i would have viewed woodstock had a been a parent of that generation. Nakedness, devil music, debauchery, drugs and a sense of loosing a young generation. THEY had something to worry about with their Sons and daughters. But look it all turned out ok. The world goes on and on a long enough time scale nothing we do matters and our very existence will be forgotten like we were never here.
[quote]jawara wrote:
Nakedness, devil music, debauchery, drugs and a sense of loosing a young generation. THEY had something to worry about with their Sons and daughters. But look it all turned out ok. The world goes on and on a long enough time scale nothing we do matters and our very existence will be forgotten like we were never here. [/quote]
I don’t think everythingturned out ok. I think alot of that music has influenced kids in abad way. Teen pregnancy, drug use, STD’s and crime are all higher ince the 60’s. Worse in the black community. “Drop it like it’s hot!”
(…)After all, the past few years have seen the worst assault on our civil liberties since the passage of the Alien and Sedition Act. The US government can now “legally” read our emails, spy on our finances, and jail us indefinitely without a trial, without even filing charges and without telling anyone. A veil of secrecy hides what our rulers are up to, and things have gotten worse not better under Obama.(…)
this article certainly reinforced everything i have believed for some time, and i’m not even american. in the uk, more people will vote in big brother, britain’s got talent and other simon cowell crap, than would show any interest in a general election. providing the masses have alchohol, football and shopping (soma) they are happy. free thinking and reading is highly scorned.
[quote]Gregus wrote:
â??Most of one’s life is one prolonged effort to prevent oneself from thinking. People intoxicate themselves with work so they won’t see how they really are.â?? - Aldous Huxley
One of my new favorite quotes of all time. [/quote]
You should post this quote in the anti-global warming threads. Here comes the shitstorm…