I thought it went psp 1000, then psp 2000 then the psp go, didnt know there was a 3000. the thing is the psp 2000 i bought is refurbished so now im pretty sure i cant return it. cost 100 bucks, found out the 3000 costs 170 though. well shit i done messed up.
[quote]wannabestronggu wrote:
I thought it went psp 1000, then psp 2000 then the psp go, didnt know there was a 3000. the thing is the psp 2000 i bought is refurbished so now im pretty sure i cant return it. cost 100 bucks, found out the 3000 costs 170 though. well shit i done messed up.[/quote]
Excellent introduction to the site, bro.
[quote]wannabestronggu wrote:
I thought it went psp 1000, then psp 2000 then the psp go, didnt know there was a 3000. the thing is the psp 2000 i bought is refurbished so now im pretty sure i cant return it. cost 100 bucks, found out the 3000 costs 170 though. well shit i done messed up.[/quote]
damn this gif has so many uses
stick with the 2000, buy a pandora battery and a magic memory stick.
This news is important enough to have it’s own thread?
Hence why its in off-topic/get a life.
[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:
[quote]imhungry wrote:
[quote]imhungry wrote:
[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:
[quote]imhungry wrote:
no, this is a travesty! ruining the original ghostbusters!
[quote]imhungry wrote:
[quote]DixiesFinest wrote:
[quote]imhungry wrote:
Yet another ruining of something
Fear not though…
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