You’ll probably feel better on T-Dawg…
… but, all the new dietary information is basically outlined in Duchaine’s book, albeit a little more refined these days.
I have BodyOpus and read it from time to time. It amazes me the information in the book relative to when it was written; not bad stuff.
BodyOpus is very difficult to follow. The dietary guidelines are well laid out and very simple, however, the metabolic consequences to this diet happen every single week and it can take a huge amount of willpower to overcome at times, but it is effective.
Its basically a cyclical ketogenic diet. The main premise behind the diet involves a carbohydrate “refeed” that everyone has been reading about lately. Dan never mentions leptin, however, I think he’s on the spot through trial and error.
While you will want Duchaine’s book for the gobs of information and generally entertaining reading relative to nutrition, here is the basic idea:
Step #1: Get your Surge and fat burners (or something equivalent).
Step #2: Begin!
Sunday night (6pm) starts your low carb. Eat no carbs from Sunday night through the rest of the day.
Monday: Eat 85% of maintenance calories starting from Monday with no carbs. None, zilch. Monday is a training day. Train upper body on this day (yes, the whole thing), and train it hard while glycogen is still high.
Tues: 85% maint cals, no carbs (NONE). Train lower body (yes all of it)… maximum intensity.
Wed: diet, same, cardio if desired. no weights
Thur: diet, same, cardio if desired. no weights
Fri: Nuts day. 2 hours before workout consume about 100 cals of carbs (eat an apple). Go to train. Train EVERY BODY PART, high reps in a circuit, over and over. You’ll know when you are done because you’ll be nauseous and exhausted in a way not normal for training. 4 circuits usually does it for me, I think he says 4-6. this circuit stuff takes about 1.5-2 hours. immediately following the circuits, start hi-glycemic refeeds. Surge would be great for this. You want to have a serving of this about every 2-3 hours until the next day.
Sat: high-carb, low-fat, moderate protein all day. Eat eat eat.
Sun, same, except switch to lo-carb at 4-6pm and start the whole thing again.
You’ll have to buy the book to get all the metabolic trickery and “science” behind this. Its important to follow it to a “T”. The apple before the workout is important (100 cals of whatever). Training only 3 days a week is important. Try this for a month and see what happens.
Expect to feel like shit starting from Wednesday through Friday. Expect to feel like a God on the Monday following your refeed.
Go to google and type “McDonald BodyOpus” without the quotes and look for “BodyOpus pages”… there is a diary of someone that did this diet for like 6 months with lots of advice.
Hope this helps.