Bone Doen't Equal Meat! Stupid Labels!

Just experiencing a bit of frustration with some supermarket labelling.

They have labelled the damn things up as having 130g per serving… sounds about right perhaps once its cooked.

Only upon closer inspection it looks like all they have done is find the value for 100g of just the cooked meat (no bone) and multiply it up by 1.3 (to get 130g - the weight of the entire final product once cooked including bone).

Now these are some quite large drumsticks so I’ve been doing a little bit of math.

Weight of pack = 1.45kg
Number of drumstucks = 8
Average weight per drumstick = 181g

Now I found one of those calorie counter websites that provided me with the value of 1oz of uncooked meat with bone:
3.61g protein
1.8g fat
0g carbs

Now 1oz = 23.49g

Soooo 181/23.49 gives me about 7.76. This is the amount I will multiply the values for the 1oz to get the protein/fat/carbs for 181g

End results were:
28g protein
13.9g fat
0g carbs

This is much higher then the database values for a large chicken drumstick:
18g protein
9g fat
0g carbs

The 2:1 protein to fat ratio is there pretty much but the serving size is sounding monsterous!

God damn trained label making monkeys.

I just need some help with regards to a more reliable source of nutritional data… or simply tell me if this even sounds right!

Got the info for 1oz chicken drumstick with bone, raw from the below link.

Also please before anyone tells me to stop counting and simply eat a metric-shit-tonne more and then refers to my current listed stats…

  1. They are not my current stats
  2. Im coming off a very low calorie diet and upping cals carefully at 250 a week till Im back at 3000 for maintenance.

Thats alot of math brother. Just do waht I do, cook the things, pull the meat off the bone and weigh that. It will take the guess work out. There is no way of knowing how much meat a certain bone has attached to it.

If you pull it off the bone and weigh that ,then all you have to find is dark meat chicken info. Use fitday or calorie king.

yeah you’re going to have to pull it off the bone and then weigh it. The label makers don’t have crystal balls to know exactly how much meat is on the bone under the skin unless they ripped it apart and weighed it themselves. They use averages done in a lab.

[quote]eengrms76 wrote:
yeah you’re going to have to pull it off the bone and then weigh it. The label makers don’t have crystal balls to know exactly how much meat is on the bone under the skin unless they ripped it apart and weighed it themselves. They use averages done in a lab.[/quote]

Oh I know that - its just the idiots labelled the total cooked weight (including bone) with the nutritional value of cooked pure meat.

Aye I guess Ill have to scrape off some meat.


They have just discontinued these fresh, cheap, HUGE chicken legs.

Store rep said either to be replaced with some super expensive corn fed free range hippy shit… or simply gone for good leaving me with stupid piddly little ones.

Sods law.

I might buy the value chicken portions, cook up en masse, strip the skin, scrape meat off bone and use that.

The convienience was nice though :frowning: