This is what John Berardi talks about here
So, if you’re not gifted with a screaming metabolic rate or you don’t have a polypharmacy of metabolic enhancement drugs coursing through your veins, it should be obvious that building a fantastic body means eating a lot and exercising a lot.
You’ve accomplished something that took me like 2 decades to figure out. There’s SO much out there that talks about gaining muscle by doing LESS so you can save calories, but it’s so backwards. Your physical activity is high, your metabolism is jacked up, and so you put SO many nutrients through your system…and it just makes the system scream even faster, because you have SO much great stuff going through your system supercharging ALL the metabolic processes.
CAUTION: I am a barbarian, not a scientist. Dietary fat and cholesterol are involved in the production of testosterone. When you can only take in 8oz of steak a day because your physical activity is too low to allow for more, you’re not going to get a lot of that stuff in you. When you are burning through 32oz of steak a day, yeah, the calories are a zero sum game, but those other effects are still there and still real.
All this to say, you are in a great place. If I were in your situation and I REALLY wanted to get the gains going, I’d start experimenting with pre and post workout carbs a bit more. But as far as just being a badass and tearing through stuff, you’re in the perfect spot for it.