So I’ve decided to start a training log… I told myself I’d wait before I got some more respectable numbers, but unfortunately I don’t want to wait any longer. Been lifting a little over a year now and am just about to turn 29. I reset my tms down last month due to wanting to lose some weight, as I got up to 210, and started looking bloated and shit. Cut down to 195 and I’m pretty happy with where I’m at now. Going to very slowly start gaining back weight. I’m 6’ 1" tall.
Currently doing 5/3/1 fsl with joker sets on all lifts if I hit 8 on the + sets.
Current estimated 1rms are
Bench- 217
OHP- 133
Today was ohp and it went… Ok.
Was somewhat rushed for time so I skipped fsl after the joker sets and did my assistance stuff. Getting pretty tired of hitting high reps on my + sets…
EDIT: came back here to edit my first post and to update. A lot of changes have happened in the first year or so I’ve been logging, so just a quick run down…
H: 6 foot, maybe 6’1"
W: ~206 lb ±2
6/4/2020 Current maxes
Squat 325x1/315x3
Deadlift 375x1, more recently 355x5
OHP 135x1, more recently 115x4
Bench 210x1
Zercher Squat 300x1, 255x2
Did 531 fsl, nuttys, back to 531 bbb/fsl, to PCs GMM
For the summer of 2020, I’ll be back to 531 and hopefully sticking with it for the better part of the rest of the year.