Bodyfat % before and after Mag10

Did anyone monitor their bodyfat levels while on Mag10? I’m reading about all these people who gained 10-20 pounds in a couple of weeks, but I’m also curiou as to how much was fat. Since you need to be eating big while on Mag 10 to gain weight, how much of this is fat? T-mag posted a great article about the importance of starting out lean before bulking, otherwise modt of your gains would be fat, so I’m curious as to the experience that others have had. Anyone?

Not on MAG-10, but doing the Growth Surge program with an Andro/Nandro mix, I put on nine pounds of LBM with less than two pounds of fat. I imgine that if I’d done it with MAG-10 my gains would have been even better.

Most of the posts made on MAG-10 gains, an estimate is also given of fat gain. It usually is not more than a small fraction
of the total gain, and is not supposed to be.
(The diet is supposed to be such as to allow preferably only one half pound of fat gain per week, with one pound per week being an acceptable overshoot, and substantially more than that being very excessive.)

How many calories were you eating over maintenance for the 2 a day workouts? I gain fat pretty easily and am about to start GSP #2 with 2 a days. My maintenance is 2500 cals and I think I will be eating 4000 cals using mag-10. I had a post about this but didn’t get any replies. Thanks in advance.

My last post was directed to you. Forgot to put that in.

I generally recommend about 1000 calories per day above usual maintenance. However if the maintenance figure is from a volume of training very much less than what will be done while using androgens, that amount might be increased to compensate for the increase in expenditure being more than typical.

E.g., someone who trained twice per week, 8 sets per workout, and then went to a program involving 120 sets per week while “on,” might easily want to go up by 1500 calories per day.
1000 calories would probably not be sufficient for optimal muscle growth, and 1500 would not be excessive in terms of fat gain.

Also, very often, people’s figures for their maintenance value aren’t accurate so that introduces another problem.

I’m doing anywhere from 15-18 sets of low rep(3-6) work for 4 days a week. Maintenance is hard to estimate, but I think mine is 2400 to 2500 calories. I was thinking of upping it by 1500 because the 2 a day workouts and the 5 days a week workout with Growth surge project #2. I gain fat pretty easy (former fatboy) and am trying to keep fat gain to a minimum. Another thing is that growth surge is higher reps than my previous program so I know it will require more calories. Thanks for any help.


To my last post. JasonL

I was eating about 800-1000 above maintenance, using the ME protocols and calculations. (I was shooting for a little more than that, but couldn’t force myself to ingest that many calories.)

More than 1000 extra calories might be too much in your case. I’d only do it if even with fat held low, you can’t with those calories get your
2 and preferably 2.5 g protein/lb LBM/day
and also enough carbs (same minimum, a little
higher maximum like 2.8), or after the first week, you feel like you could use more.

I ought to clarify. The 1000 cal above maintenance recommendation is for those that are quite serious about wanting to hold fat gain down to preferably no more than half a pound per week and even more preferably less. For those that really do not mind if they gain a pound or two of fat per week, there’s nothing at all wrong with a 1500 cal/day surplus. Also, if someone winds up getting more than minimal amounts of fat in their diet, they may need the 1500 cal increase to keep protein and carbs as high as they should be.

hey Bill, if i were to do a longer cycle (at least 8 weeks, possible 12) of 4 ad-ec would it be better to stick with the 1000+ a day rather than 1500+? i did a 2 week mag10 cycle a few months back and ate about 1600 calories over maintanance and fat gain was minimal. i was unsure of whether or not it would lead to more fat gain though since 4 ad-ec is not as powerfull as mag10 and since it would be for a much longer time.

The guy who turned me onto T-Mag and Mag-10 was doing a study on Mag-10 and other prohormones for his Master’s. He said in one group of 10 people, the average 6 week result (2-on, 2-off, 2-on), the average results were 13 lbs of muscle gain, with 6 lbs of fat loss. Not bad at all.