I’ve gone to just about every type of doctor or physical therapist that I can think of in the last year.
It began with a mild strain in my right biceps about a month after coming off of my first test-only cycle in June 2015. I sought physical therapy for treatment and seemed to heal about 90%.
In August, I began a cycle of sust and deca. Mid-cycle, in early October, I not only re-strained my right biceps but strained my left as well. I came off Deca late October, and finished with a couple weeks of cycle-level sust following, I lowered my dosage to cruising range - around 200mg a week and switched to Test-e.
About four weeks after coming off Deca, I noticed my joints start to pop more and connective tissue around joints start to ache. My muscles didn’t feel the same while contracting. The normal, pleasurable pump had turned into a more straining feeling that hasn’t since recovered.
In December, after thoroughly warming up and stretching, I strained both elbows while doing very light skull crushers. Until this point I’d had no history of elbow issues.
Two more physical therapists, three primary care physicians, one orthopedic surgeon, one chiropractor, one rheumatologist, one acupuncturist, three rounds of blood work, three MRIs, one CAT scan, one nerve conduction study and two physicals later…I’d accumulated a chest strain, knee problems and obliques pain all while working out lightly with the encouragement of my doctors…I’d taken two extensive month-long breaks in the process also…months and months later I am still dealing with my original biceps injuries as well as my elbow strain/swelling.
And I’m left with only one lead.
I have what is called benign hypermobility syndrome. And evidently it’s something I’ve had my whole life but has never been an issue until now. I’d only really seen it’s symptoms come into fruition since using steroids. Specifically Deca.
So my questions to you guys…
Have you heard of anyone having a permanent change in joint and/or muscle health following a Deca cycle? Anything similar to my description?
And is there anything you can think of that contributes to these symptoms? Something I may not be tapping into with regular doctors tests. Nutritional deficiencies, important vitals, etc.
My health, according to my doctors, is near perfect. Cholesterol, cortisol, liver, kidneys, heart. Nerve, muscle and joint health are fine.
I’m just at a loss. I figure consulting other bodybuilders and their experiences may help in some way.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Health and happiness.