Body Measurements

I havn’t posted on here in a while. Ive been concentrating more on my exercise, and id like a critique of my size in comparison to my age.

I am currently 17 years old.

I will update this with the rest of my measurements when i get home from school.

height-5 10
calf right-22 in
calf left-21.5 in
waist-35 in
chest-43 in
cest(arms included)-54 in

I am in the process of developing a workout plan (3 day split) and diet plan to follow this summer, and I will post it as i finish it.

Sheesh, maybe there should be a forum for kids to post their numbers and compare.

If you want advice, ask for it. If you want to stroke your ego there’s gotta be a better place to do it than here.

OK. You DON’T include your arms when you measure your chest! Is this a new trend or something?


[quote]OneEye wrote:
OK. You DON’T include your arms when you measure your chest! Is this a new trend or something?


My guess is they read that Arnold’s chest was about 57" in his prime or larger so they assumed that, since he is only “slightly” bigger than they are, they must have included his arms in the measurement. I have never known anyone who even assumed this to be the case when taking that measurement. Just to add though, a 43" chest is REALLY small, especially when you claim arms that are almost 17". Something isn’t adding up either way…along with the fact that these numbers would be useless right now anyway even if he got them right.

[quote]Professor X wrote:
Just to add though, a 43" chest is REALLY small, especially when you claim arms that are almost 17".[/quote]

DAMN YOU PROFESSOR!!! Make me feel even worse now. My chest flexed is about 42-43 inches. But I don’t claim near 17" arms. hehehe.

What is up lately with all the teens asking “is this good” or “am I big” or “how do I compare” posts???

Why don’t you read more articles on the site, eat basic, healthy, whole foods, play sports, have fun, date, hang out with friends and use compound lifts and keep training through your teens and 20’s and then come back and post your progress and stats?

I disagree, they are not useless numbers. He can practice his math skills with them.

they can also serve as a baseline. progress isnt very visible when you see your self every day but when you compare before and after pictures the difference can be huge.

[quote]willfull wrote:
I disagree, they are not useless numbers. He can practice his math skills with them.

they can also serve as a baseline. progress isnt very visible when you see your self every day but when you compare before and after pictures the difference can be huge.[/quote]

I disagree with this when it comes to young guys just getting started. Expecting growth too quickly can set you back. I remember taking a measurement for my arms when I first started and then not taking another until they had gone up nearly 3". I am glad I went by the mirror before that. Getting caught up on the number reading instead of how muscular it truly looks can also set you back if by no other means than causing you to discredit progress you are making. I think it is much better if the take pictures during their progress.

This is becoming great entertainment.

What the hell does it mean when these guys ask if their measurements are big for their age?

If you are that young and are obsessing about what the tape measure tells you, then that will be a stumbling block for the rest of your life.

I have a news flash for you - it don’t freaking matter how many inches around your chest is with your arms inside the tape.

Tell me when this information will ever come in to play. Are there attractions at theme parks that say ‘you must be this big around in order to ride this ride’?

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Tell me when this information will ever come in to play. Are there attractions at theme parks that say ‘you must be this big around in order to ride this ride’?


No…but the blood pressure testers at Giant Eagle say your arms can’t be bigger than 14 inches around. So that makes me feel pretty big :wink:

Compare yourself with my measurments

Chest-Cant find a big enough measuring tape

Biceps- my 29 inch pythons put the record to shame (i started my spot injections at age 9)

Thigh- in the past have been compared to that of light poles

Traps- my huge oil injected monsters allow for comfortable airline headrests and cover from the rain.

forearms- 28 inches ( currently volunteering as a reebar bender for habitat for humanity)

Calves- my loss of flexibility due to my rippling huge 17 year old physique
prevents me from measuring.

Dont be intimidated though, i lift kinda hard.

clears throat

I um, would um…just like to…um…say, with all…due… laughter respect…



Like sasquatch said in the other thread.

[quote]I think it was Boyer Coe(?) who said something like…

I don’t lift weights to compare myself to others. I lift to see how good I can do. Even if there weren’t competition, I’d lift just as hard, just as often. I lift to be the best I can be."