Whats up Dog, I knew I could count on you for some good quotes, haha. Bacon huh? Reminds me of this lady I am training now, we just started a few weeks ago. Some jackass told her about PF meals but forgot to mention what kind of fat she should be eating. Can you say a plate of bacon and scoops of mayo throughout the day? LOL.
Actually I just drop the benevolent all together. But I make it a point before I train anyone that I do this for fun, I have a fulltime gig so I dont need any headaches asscoiated with this part-time job. So if you are not serious and 100% willing to listen to me then you can keep your money and find another trainer.
But I have to give my clients credit, they work their asses off when they train with me and without exception I have gotten them to where they wanted to be.
Here are a few related ones I told the mayo lady last night.
“You can ask me anything you like, questions are good. But just because you phrase the question a slightly different way, it does not mean the answer will change”
“I dont care how many sets/reps you do as long as you give me everything you got. It is ok to fail, it is not ok to give up.”
[quote]TDog305 wrote:
Amsterdam Animal wrote:
“This is not a democracy, this is a benevolent dictatorship”
Me to some of the “whiny type” clients
“I don’t lift to hit a certain number of sets and reps, I lift till the desired effect has been achieved”
Both good ones. If they are being really big pussies does it change to a malevolent dictatorship?
“Never let your ego get in the way of your progress”
-A mentor of mine
“Bacon?!?! What place does bacon have in a cutting diet you dumbass?”
-First bb coach, expressing disdain for the diet the I was using to get to single digit bf
“Louie, you got arms, he’s got spaghetti arms!”
-Paraphrased from Ferrigno’s father speaking about Arnold in Pumping Iron[/quote]