Blowing off Steam

Its come time to blow off steam. I weighed my options and concluded that there were two equally satisfying ways this could be done:

  1. Buy a bottle of turpintine and march straight down town to the local paper and turn it into a smoldering pile of satisfaction.
    2)Log onto T-nation and post my greivances.(finding my wallet running dry I figured option #2 was much more cost effective than turpintine and matches.)

Now the steam

Why is it that every time I open a paper, read a magazine, sign onto the internet or turn on the tube I find my self in dismay. I cant decide wether or not i would rather shove a bottle rocket up Osama Bin Laden’s, scrawny and hard to catch ass, or punch out the next clean cut, greased hair T.V. news-man I see.
War is hell, and I know by the constant 9 oclock “breaking news”, that were not doing perfect over seas. But what confuses me is wheres the positives, in a war with so many damn negatives where are the positives. Did anyone ever stop to think patriotism might sell. Maybe the thought of civilian Iraqis actually cooperating with american forces to make good, creating a governing council or simply being happy that suddham is gone and they are free dosent quite bring in the same ratings as beheadings and prisoner abuse.
I guess my thought is how can an contractor being kidnapped and murdered or a car bomb in Fallujah make local news stations breathe a sigh of releif because they can fill the five oclock spot. Or how these same occurences can make joe blow with a sharpie pick up his picket sign instead of a pen and paper to write a letter to a nameless soldier in iraq. However unorganized and random my thoughts may be, or how wrong or idiotic they may seem in your eyes they had to be said( for the sake of the local tribune). Even if these are immature words from an immature teenager i find it appauling that we must be constantly reminded by celebrities and politicians biding for T.V. time that " this is a time for the nation to come together and show its patriotism", when we should damn well already be patriotic and thankful for what we have.


I agree whole heartedly with you. But the news media outlets always only show the negative side and blow things out of proportion. I really don’t see a liberal vs. conservative bias on the war reporting just the usual sensationalism vs. reality bias.

[quote]KevinKovach wrote:
I agree whole heartedly with you. But the news media outlets always only show the negative side and blow things out of proportion. I really don’t see a liberal vs. conservative bias on the war reporting just the usual sensationalism vs. reality bias.[/quote]

Excellent point, Kevin.

Dean, haven’t you ever heard the TV News creed?

If it bleeds, it leads!